now that all of the criticism of NCEES has died down, I'll take my turn at complaining about something.
but first, I'd like to invite everyone on this thread that was going through that anxiety of waiting (It's brutal, I've been there) and was ready to burn NCEES to the ground, I invite you to come back in this thread in one year and explain your take on it at that point. I think it will be interesting.
OK, on to my NCEES rant......
Here at EB.com, every test taking season, we post threads about the color of the pencil. It's a fun, light-hearted way of spurring conversation about the test between current test takers and former test takers. But, within each of those threads, there is always something that comes to light that bothers me considerably. SOME TEST LOCATIONS DO NOT ALLOW TEST TAKERS TO KEEP THEIR PENCILS. THIS IS WRONG. I think it is terrible that the majority of us on here get to keep our pencils as a souvenir, as a conversation piece to be displayed in our office. One member here at EB.com had his professionally framed with the state PE license. That is awesome.
The fact that some PE candidates are not given that opportunity is a shame.
NCEES, if you're reading this; please make an effort to 'encourage' all test locations to let those test takers have the opportunity to 'take a little something' from the experience. If it's too much to ask, I'd be willing to bet that most test takers wouldn't mind an additional 50 cents added to the exam fee to ensure the souvenir pencil can be obtained.