So, you were one of the other 12 in that room at the Hartford Convention Center huh? Yep, me too.
The changes on the NCEES website just indicate some sort of activity. Problably is related to the fact that they released them to the licensing boards. However, for the PS, you'll get an email from NCEES saying your score is ready to view, and then you'll log onto NCEES and it will be there immediately with either a green pass or a red fail. For the state specific, typically it's a few days later and you'll get an email from Barbara with a PDF attachment that says either you passed or failed and your score.
Good luck. I'm hoping this is my final time trying to pass that stupid state specific exam. My opinion, it's horribly written. Too many ambiguities, but maybe I'm just bitter that this test is kicking my ass. Regardless, good luck.