NCEES weaving section question in AM sample test

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
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question 131 in NCEES AM sample test asks for a weaving highway section but where does this fall under the categories they list for exam specifications for Transport AM?

horizontal curves? i thought horizontal curves subject is for calculating distances etc....

where should i look for this subject?

I agree with you that it doesn't seem to obviously fit into one of the sub-categories 1 through 6. But intersection/interchange design does fall under category A - Geometric Design.

IV. Transportation 20%

A. Geometric Design

1. Horizontal curves

2. Vertical curves

3. Sight distance

4. Superelevation

5. Vertical and/or horizontal clearances

6. Acceleration and deceleration

The CERM covers interchanges. You can also check out this report. It is more than you'll need for the exam, especially the AM portion, so just review the very basics of interchange types/names and their basic characteristics - chapter 2.

Very nice...what else do you have in your bag of tricks? I'll be doing Transpo next October, and I'm stockpiling my resources now.
