Jedi MASTER & Friend of Capt. Solo
I thought she was a Bama fan... :dunno:
Hey! Just because you pronounce Seahawks like you're from Jersey doesn't mean I'm going to like them. Like I've explained before- I was a kid in NE, so I still hold a soft spot for my original team.I thought she was a Penn State person?
Sort of like @csb's NFL teams, Packers, Patriots, probably also Seahwaks?
Well, we welcome you to the Dark Side. All Hail the Dark Lord Saban.I grew up a Penn State fan and only started cheering for Alabama because Auburn fans are @$$hatts, and couldn't figure out that an orange/blue shirt with the word "Syracuse" on it does not mean it is appropriate to yell "war eagle" at me... plus you can't seem to live here and not have an SEC team to pull for.