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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
In the words of the late great Dr. Martin Luther King...."Free at last! Free at last!"

So last night when I got home from work, I noticed my Ex's car in the driveway of my neighbor across the street.....I was always a little suspicious they had something going on even before I ran her off.....well around 9:30pm I decided it was time to go upstairs, do a little banking then head off to bed....I'm guessing when I turned the lights out, and before I turned lights on upstairs, they must have thought I had gone to bed because as I walked into the computer room, where I have open windows and can see across the street, I saw her come running out, start her car, and drive it into his garage, then close the door.....I'm guessing to hide it from me, oh well...that didn't work.

now here's what ran through my mind:

1. If I had more proof earlier, she would have NEVER gotten the sofa from the beach place...that now pisses me off even more!

2. I'm really glad I held my ground on paying her MONEY when we split!

3. John is a douch for trying to sneak around like that, and I KNEW he had been avoiding me, and ignoring me when I was in the he REALLY think I'm a dumbass??? If she were that great a catch, I wouldn't have run her off to begin with!

4. I no longer feel like I need to be cautious about what I do, or who I see!!!!! WOOHOO! It's like Christmas came in MAY!

The biggest reason I am posting this....I wanted to make sure I remember the date just in case I need this info come divorce time!

I also realized today that it's possible that my ex could be moving in across the street from me, so OK...that thought is just a bit stressful, although I'll BET they're more uncomfortable than I am about it all.

Wow. Your positive attitude about this is rather impressive. I probably would've ended up in jail after I had kicked the crap out of him.

I think a nice package, delivered FedEx, of a heaping pile of human feces on a piece of fine china is in order.

I think a nice package, delivered FedEx, of a heaping pile of human feces on a piece of fine china is in order.

There is actually a service on the internet that will do this... I can't remember where I saw it. Maybe it was on awhile ago!

Merry Christmas in May!

I thought you had already gotten the divorce? If not, I suggest this is an excellent excuse to buy that high-end DSLR with the night vision telephoto lens.

I'm with Dleg on this one. Take lots of happytime photos, but keep your act on the straight and narrow.

Merry Christmas in May!
I thought you had already gotten the divorce? If not, I suggest this is an excellent excuse to buy that high-powered rifle with the night vision scope.


Why shoot someone when you can sit back and watch them torture themselves to death in divorce proceedings?

Why shoot someone when you can sit back and watch them torture themselves to death in divorce proceedings?
Because if there's anything I've learned, it's that the courts are screwed up and rarely do justice. She can be off plowing his neighbor, and the judge will pull some shit about how NC makes too much money, and needs to support both of their lifestyles.

I like the POO Idea....but I really don't care enough about either of them to go to that trouble. I'm annoyed that the guy couldn't just walk across the street and say "Hey, I really have a lot in common with your wife, and I know you're split up, would it be a problem if I see her? "

I's not like we're not NEIGHBORS!!!! so NOW they've set up a situation where they make everyone uncomfortable, although I do think I will now look like the hero in the neighborhood.

I also think his EX is pretty hot, so I can't see why turn-a-bout isn't fair play!!! lol The only difference is I would be doing her on the front porch!!! haha..

I'm HOPING that the "separation" agreement that we both signed, and had recorded would be enough to make the actual divorce easy, but I do think a little proof of this activity would certainly work in my favor if anything does ever start up. So I'm just laying low for now, and MAYBE buy that camera!

It still SUCKS though to even imagine my ex living across the street....I think it's tough enough for another woman to come into a house that we owned together, much less me saying and oh, she also lives across the street. I can see that being a negative.

man, this seems to be a common occurrence in NC. A former co-worker of mine had something similar happen with neighbors of his when he lived in NC. Two sets of his neighbors who lived across the street from one another ended up getting divorced and then the wives ended up dating the respective spouses across the street. Apparently it turned into quite a cluster fuck as there were some hard feelings between all of them and several drunken fights and shouting matches occurred out in the street late at night. Cops were called multiple times, yada, yada, yada, my former co-worker was happy to move out of that neighborhood. By the time he moved he said he couldn't talk to any of them b/c it would end up pissing off someone else. He was fed up with the drama of not being allowed to talk to any of his neighbors (that and some of the fights spilled over into his yard).

Hope things don't go that direction for you NC.

I don't think things will get that bad, I really don't care enough, although he MAY take exception when I get to ask him how my d*&k tastes??? lol
