Captain Phillips: Awesome film! Time flew by (it is over two hours), and even though I knew the story, it was still tense watching it. The Somolian leader really stole the show. Film reminded me a little of the anti-hero films from back in the early seventies in that you were rooting for the bad guy, but knew he couldn't win.
Blue Jasmine: Best Woodie Allen film I've ever seen, which is damning with faint praise because I generally hate his films. Typical amount (too much) over hyper oh-woe-is-me-this-isn't-NYC-and-thus-it-sucks dialogue and me-me-me attitude, but Andrew Dice Clay does a really good turn as a wronged ex-BIL, and Alec Baldwin does his rich d-bag schtick that he's gotten so good at he can phone it in.