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I heard there's a new R2...


[SIZE=medium]Something tells me they are not going to follow the books. I read a lot of them, but I just can’t see them following all those independent authors.. plus then they would have to pay them too I guess..[/SIZE]

Room 1303 - Don't waste your money. Bad acting, dull plot, just a waste.

This is the End - Didn't expect much from this, but it was a pretty dang funny movie. A bunch of stars get together for a party and, darn it, end of the world comes. Some great dialogue in here.

We watched Journey 2 at the behest of my younglings. Terrible. The only thing worse than the acting was the plot. No wait maybe the attempt at humor. No wait maybe the super silliness of the technology. I've got it, it was the peck popping sequence. In short I hated it but had to endure all 94 minutes twice this weekend because it is "so cool" according to my 9 yr old. The interwebz said it did well and may even spawn a third. God help us.

So we watched Dredd a few nights back (No Stallone!).


Running low on interesting sounding movies on Netflix made me go and Google what the best movies currently are on Netflix. Ran into this movie as it holds true to what the review said about it. Good ole good vs bad. The movie is easy to follow, has a direct and straightforward plot (a story even I followed easily), guns, explosions, and a hot chick... with guns!


I liked it. Karl Urban (Judge Dredd) doesn't wipe the "who sh*t?" look off his face during the entire movie and it is somewhat annoying. Well, you only see his mouth and nose the entire time so it's really only his "grumpy cat" frown that's messed up. All in all, it's a good flick worth my 90 some odd minutes. Solid 3.5 stars in my book. Olivia Thirlby (Judge Anderson) gets 4 stars. :thumbs:

So none of you teenage girls has seen catching fire yet?
Yes, and she said she was bored, because she had already read the book and knew what was going to happen.

On the other hand, my 10 year old son said it was awesome, which I found really surprising. I didn't see it myself, so I can't comment.

We watched "Frozen" in 3D this weekend. My son summed it up: mostly for girls.... My opinion: a shoddy attempt to re-capture the theme of the 1990s Disney musicals. Not terrible, though, just not something that is going to end up living forever on Broadway like the Lion King or Beauty and the Beast.

I had a rare treat and was able to go see "Bad Grandpa" last week with a friend. Some good laughs, but pretty stupid movie. Sort of a *******-lite.

So none of you teenage girls has seen catching fire yet?

I will at some point. The books were a pretty interesting read and I liked the first one. I read all three books in about three nights...of course I was trapped in Afghanistan at the time so my options for evening entertainment were extremely limited.

So we watched Dredd a few nights back (No Stallone!).


I'd have to agree. Entertaining enough for something on Netflix. I may have to try Googling to see what else comes up. The other day I did a Gerard Butler search and "Olympus Has Fallen" came up which I liked and was something new, but also "Timeline" which I hadn't seen in a while (also with Paul Walker).

My daughter made me take her to see Catching Fire on Sunday.

She read all 3 books, and we watched the 1st one, & I promised I'd take her to see this one, so she called me on it.

It was OK, she thought it was great.

[SIZE=medium]I have to admit, even though I thought the first book was a rip off of Stephen King’s “The Long Walk” I did read all three books, and we went and saw Catching Fire last weekend, it was pretty good, but I think they have a task set out for them for the 3rd[/SIZE] book. It totally changes course from the other 2 and is more of a star wars rebel alliance story...

Last night we finished watching the German flick The Silence.


First off, this movie is German and is subtitled. It has no explosions, no guns, and no scantly clad females.

This is a very strange, but a very well written, story... for most of it. It shows how sick and flat cold some people can be and leads you into seeing the emotions of families of abducted / abused / killed children. You view all of these emotions from the sides of the victims, the guilty, and the unrepentant. Quite dark as a thriller / crime drama. Like I said, most of the story is well written, but the last 20 minutes absolutely ruined it for me. The ending I believe should have been, never was. Disappointment on my end is the result. With that said, I give this movie 2.5 stars.

So none of you teenage girls has seen catching fire yet?

My teenaged neice (and both her parents) said read the books and don't watch the movies.

I saw the first one, and while it wasn't bad, it didn't inspire me to see any more.

The Frozen Ground - Save your bucks. When you try to condense a true tale of a fairly complex search for a serial killer into 100 minutes of celluloid, you wind up with a disjointed mess. If I didn't have some previous knowledge of the case, I would have been completely lost. This film is a real mess.

It didn't help that his victims were all physically similar, and since this was AK, they were bundled up most of the time.

Interesting case (Robert Hanson), but you really do need a book to get the story.

I saw Captain Phillips last night. Excellent movie! Very tense. Good job showing the pirate's point of view, as well.

Watched "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World". It was weird seeing Keira Knightly looking frumpy, but other than that, it was OK. Nothing great, nothing terrible, but it's on a bunch of the premium movie channels now at no extra charge.

Watched The Wolverine last night. Wasn't all that bad. Anytime you get to see Hugh Jackman's abs it's OK. Twelve-year-old kept pointing out every time he did a pec dance. That was pretty funny.

More excited about the tag at the end though.
