I just watched the first JJ Abrams Star Trek with my SW junkie daughter.
She said she didn't want to like it because JJ is apparently getting the next SW franchise movie and she's afraid he'll screw it up - but she confessed she did like it.
All I can say is myeh.
Kirk is portrayed as a redneck, idiot, cow-tipper farm boy who's primary function is comic relief. I hate when they totally screw up a character, especially right there in the second sequence where he drives a 1963 Corvette off a cliff (supposedly an original one, not a Star trek Universe replication).
My Kirk would never allow his beloved ship to be harmed in any way.
That's why Next Generation lost me on the first episode. What kind of wussy, French-named captain surrenders his ship at the first sign of danger? Don't you know those things cost the taxpayers a lot of money?