Movie thread

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It was exactly as I had imagined - an incredibly epic, and average movie. I still can't get over the schnozz on the replacement girl. Really makes me wonder what, if anything, they can do for a 4th movie in light of the ending.

Yup. Killer body (they certainly weren't shy about that in the movie), but a nose like the back end of a dog.

So I'm half way through reading The Help. By this time in the movie I think I had laughed my ass off and teared up at least twice. Either it isn't as emotional second time through the storyline or the movie visuals just had a bigger impact.

Just saw C.A. over the weekend and it's watchable... not magnificent, but watchable. The ten year old will certainly dig it.

The storyline is not bad as far as the character development of C.A., but villian Red Skull reminded me a little bit of Jim Carrey in The Mask, only red, and with surprisingly infinite resources considering that he ticks off both the Allies and the Axis. His gargantuan machinations cross the line into Wild Wild West territory (an unwatchable movie).

I rarely see movies twice so I can't comment on the buy or rent.

Finally got around to watching Transformers 3 on Bluray this weekend. I bought it with a Best Buy gift card when it came out and it's been sitting on the shelf ever since. I liked it a lot, but then again I'm pretty easy to please with action movies. It was nice to sit down and watch a movie with the wife for a change.

I've not been following this thread that much but,

Transformers 3, rental only - too long & just maddening to watch the building scenes from an engineering background.

Xmen First Class, worth watching

Captn America, worth watching

Sucker Punch, I literally walked out of this crap fest. It's probably just me but I absolutely hate the movies about peoples dreams (including Inception). It seems I can't pretend more than 1 level deep.

No Strings Attached, good chick flick to watch with wife (not kid friendly).

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haven't been the movies since early september to see The Help. But will be going in a few weeks to see part 1 of Breaking dawn.

Ended up buying Captain America; it has already been watched twice so it's probably good enough to keep in queue. We always have to have a few for road trips. What did we used to do on the family trips before portable DVD players and laptops? Oh wait, I remember..."Would you stop looking at me?, Mom, make him stop looking at me." Or playing license plate bingo, but we still do that...

I've not been following this thread that much but,

Transformers 3, rental only - too long & just maddening to watch the building scenes from an engineering background.

Xmen First Class, worth watching

Captn America, worth watching

Sucker Punch, I literally walked out of this crap fest. It's probably just me but I absolutely hate the movies about peoples dreams (including Inception). It seems I can't pretend more than 1 level deep.

No Strings Attached, good chick flick to watch with wife (not kid friendly).
I really liked both Transformers 3 and Sucker Punch. I do agree that TF3 had a few issues (like all 3 TF movies) with character managment, logistics, etc, but I still like them as a whole. I really liked Sucker Punch's twists and turns and even the soundtrack (downloaded it last week). It even provided inspiration for my wife's halloween costume :D


I've not been following this thread that much but,

Transformers 3, rental only - too long & just maddening to watch the building scenes from an engineering background.

Xmen First Class, worth watching

Captn America, worth watching

Sucker Punch, I literally walked out of this crap fest. It's probably just me but I absolutely hate the movies about peoples dreams (including Inception). It seems I can't pretend more than 1 level deep.

No Strings Attached, good chick flick to watch with wife (not kid friendly).
I really liked both Transformers 3 and Sucker Punch. I do agree that TF3 had a few issues (like all 3 TF movies) with character managment, logistics, etc, but I still like them as a whole. I really liked Sucker Punch's twists and turns and even the soundtrack (downloaded it last week). It even provided inspiration for my wife's halloween costume :D

OK My argument is lost against S.P. !

saw breaking dawn part 1 last night. lived up to the hype and reviews were spot on, a wedding, a honeymoon, and a slightly gruesome birth. A cheesy movie that people who don't follow the books will think is horrible. I still think they could have done it in one would just have been like LOTRs long.

If you go, stay for the entire credits there is extra footage at the end.

Wife picked up the entire Harry Potter blue-ray set and is insisting on doing an all-day marathon on Thanksgiving day...
