Movie thread

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Honestly have zero interest in the series. I've seen the first one a few times. I vaguely recall the 2nd one. Have no idea how many there are at this point.  Kinda reminds me of a standard Disney movie life cycle: Blockbuster, Obligatory sequel for money, then series of straight to DVD followups that are only purchased by fans.

Now that I think about it, that probably sums up how most see the Transformers series...

Honestly have zero interest in the series. I've seen the first one a few times. I vaguely recall the 2nd one. Have no idea how many there are at this point.  Kinda reminds me of a standard Disney movie life cycle: Blockbuster, Obligatory sequel for money, then series of straight to DVD followups that are only purchased by fans.

Now that I think about it, that probably sums up how most see the Transformers series...
Yeah, but no one's ever bought a reindeer because they watched all the Frozens. 

I think I saw the first mission impossible, none of the rest..

I have scrolled past the last transformers on Netflix for a while now.... will keep doing so..

Thor's movie - Jesus Christ that was a bad Stephen king book where they couldn't come up with an ending so they just did something stupid to final end it..

the first mission impossible movie was the first DVD I ever owned and could only watch it on my new computer that I bought for my freshman year in college because we didn't own a dvd player. circa 1998 

I don't remember anything about the first few MI sequels, but these last two have been very good. 

the first mission impossible movie was the first DVD I ever owned and could only watch it on my new computer that I bought for my freshman year in college because we didn't own a dvd player. circa 1998 
My first DVDs came free with my $200 Panasonic (?) DVD player with the orange front display (summer of '99).  Somehow I still remember what they were - The Fifth Element, Stargate, and... Stepmom.

Stargate joins two of my most favorite things.  Science fiction and ancient Egyptian  culture  (went through a huge phase as a kid of wanting to be an archaeologist) 

My SG DVD had half the movie on one side and the other half of the movie on the other.  Found my DVD player!  It was an RCA.  Silly me.


How the heck have y'all never seen Stargate?  I mean, come on - action hero Kurt Russel and James Spader when he still had hair!

Can't say as I have any distinct rememberance/knowledge of Stargate.

Ditto. I did see it, it was just so mediocre I have virtually no memory of it. 
