Jedi MASTER & Friend of Capt. Solo
^ nope. And I wouldn't even want to try (though I have a 4-yr old).
HOLY ****, YOUR KID'S ALREADY FOUR?!^ nope. And I wouldn't even want to try (though I have a 4-yr old).
It would mostly be a language/violence thing. Nothing gory, no sex, but plenty of language.^ nope. And I wouldn't even want to try (though I have a 4-yr old).
I’m excited to see Isle of Dogs too! I’m in California this week and saw that its playing at the movie theater across the street. I might have to go.I'm pretty excited to see "Isle of Dogs" this weekend. "Fantastic Mr. Fox" was a family favorite of ours (now a Thanksgiving tradition), so I have high hopes.
We watched another Wes Anderson film on Netfliz the other night, "Moonlight Kingdom" as recommended by @frazil, and that was also pretty good. Although I really think Anderson's style is best appreciated in stop-motion animation - seems less artificial that way.
We saw it this past weekend. I really liked it too, but I love his movies.Isle of Dogs was pretty good! Definitely a quirky Wes Anderson film, so if you hate his stuff you will probably hate Isle of Dogs. If you enjoy his films, you will enjoy this one.
I read some reviews that were very hypervigilant / triggered snowflake-type reactions: all the main dog characters are male, the exchange student is a "white savior" role, etc. Pretty humorous. I also read an analysis of the film by a Japanese-born and raised writer for the New Yorker, who said all of those opinions are BS - the film is full of humor and details only accessible to native Japanese speakers, and the Japanese characters also strip the "white savior" character of any effectiveness in their non-translated comments about her. All that aside, though, it was a very enjoyable movie.
I wanna see that one!We saw A Quiet Place this weekend. It was really good! And I had no idea just how quiet the film actually is. We saw it at the Drafthouse, and I was chewing my food verrrry slowly as to not make any noise.
Yep!Is that the one with Jim from The Office?
Yes. I hadn't kept up with much of the Marvel movies after the first Avengers. There were some characters where I was just like, "Well, don't know who this person is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯", but it was still really good.Is the Avengers worth watching if you haven't watched all the prequel movies?