November Man, with Pierce Brosnan, playing a wizened old spy that comes out of retirement to combat the not so bad guys and corrupted good guys.
Full of unpredictable twists and turns, except the opposite of that.
Still, it wasn't BAD-bad, but it was along the lines of Bourne Identity or Taken, where there's a whole lot of cool secret spy arse-whipping, just so long as you turn your disbelief off at the door. Fairly similar, rehashed plotlines.
I mean, seriously, a bunch of dudes in plainclothes running into a shootout in a building and everyone shrugs like "Ok, yeah, that's normal here in MonteKosoSoviStan". How did he know that secret information? Don't ask - he just knew, and now there's a shootout - YAY!
2.5 stars out of 5, with (+) points for explosions, but (-) points for lack of helicopters.