MLB Playoffs

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
So i'll admit im not a huge baseball fan, but this one game playoff thing interests me..

This one game playoff reminds me of coaching a little league (win or go home) tournament, where I would have a different pitcher every inning and change the pitchers if they walk more than one batter.. I'll be curious to see how they manage these games with the full arsenal at their disposal..

Kind of like one of the braves WS games back in the 90's I think they put a starting pitcher back in from the previous game in the 7th inning...

anyways.. Go Braves! :D

I think the double wild card thing is gimmicky, but you can make the playoffs as tedious and take as much meaning out of the regular season for all I care if you get rid of that idiotic rule that the all star game decides who gets homefield in the World Series.

I got no dog in the fight, but I hope for a WS with traditional powers. I'm kinda hoping Cards-Yanks. If it's Baltimore-Washington I may end up watching preseason NBA instead.

You got quite the sports scene going on over there - The Falcons are 4-0 and the Braves have as good a shot as anyone.

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I'm not a big baseball fan, but I will scoreboard watch from time to time. I don't really have a favorite team, but I do cheer for who-ever is playing against the Yankees or Red Sox.

I went to college a few stops on the subway from Yankee Stadium, so I went to a lot of games there during their latest glory days in the late 90s, or at least to a sports bar to catch a playoff game. Fun but I never got too worked up about it. I was always a Mets fan since I was a kid. Did learn to hate the Red Sox though.

I root for the Mets and the Patriots, go figure. Yet Despise the Sox, Giants, and Jets. I think I'm universally hated by everyone in the Northeast for one reason or another. Probably why I got along so well with this guy I used to work with who liked the Giants and Sox.

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All that cheering against the Red Sox seemed to have worked thsi year. They had a sound bite from Bobby V this morning about his latest "meeting" with the sox owner/GM. He said he met John, Larry and Ben and they took him out for breakfast. that is all.

I would like my kids to get to participate in the playoffs like we got to for a decade in atlanta, at least one year before they get grown.. It was a lot of fun.. even though I wouldnt normally get over excited about the regular season..

well go to maybe 6 or 7 games a season, mainly just cause as a dad I think its written thats what your supposed to do with your kids..

He's an odd bird, as I got to see during his Mets years, highs and lows. Smart guy, but can't keep his foot out of his mouth, and comes off as adversarial and provocative. I thought he made a great analyst on ESPN. But he pissed off key players early and late. Some of his WEEI interviews weren't the best, but I don't think he's entirely to blame for the grease fire.

Roster, trades, did not get to pick his own coaches, DL time, just a mess. Ownership at odds with the GM?

im a big time Cardinals fan, so i pretty much consider that we didn't really deserve to make the playoffs this year. Everything from here on is just a bonus, but that has worked out very well for us in the last 5-6 years, pocketing a couple of very unexpected world titles!

He's an odd bird, as I got to see during his Mets years, highs and lows. Smart guy, but can't keep his foot out of his mouth, and comes off as adversarial and provocative. I thought he made a great analyst on ESPN. But he pissed off key players early and late. Some of his WEEI interviews weren't the best, but I don't think he's entirely to blame for the grease fire.

Roster, trades, did not get to pick his own coaches, DL time, just a mess. Ownership at odds with the GM?
I'm not a big follower of the BosSox or baseball in general. I go to a couple of games a year if asked. My 0.02 on Bobby V is that he got too much blame for the Sox fiasco season. Management/players had significant blame and the team is totally changed. (of course the ownership did minimize overhead by over $250M with the last big deal). It's tough when a leader doesn't get respect and nobody respected the guy...mgt, team, fans, the media...nobody.

I don't believe the guy was given a chance to do his job. anyway the split was probably mutual so...there's always next year.

Wow, that was posted before the error.

Also, I could watch 7 games between these teams. I love the tomahawks and the birds on the bat.

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