Man Rules Violation

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Uncanny Pompadour
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Atlanta GA
I have now for the second time this month been the victim of an egregious Man Rules violation. I'm sitting in a stall reading the Wall Street Journal, and without going into too much detail let's just say I was giving birth to another democrat, when an old country-fied voice from next door loudly poses the question, "What do you reckon that line of chairs out there is for? You reckon folks line up there for a seat, like at the barber shop?" So I paused, thinking maybe the guy was on a cell phone or something (already a Class III violation of Man Rules, to talk on a cell phone on the can while at work), but then I realized he was talking about the useless line of chairs out in front of the stalls, and he was talking to ME. That's a Class I-A Supreme Man Rules violation! There's no talking in the stalls. There's no chatting about chairs. Don't people know that? It's the second time this month and I think it's the same guy. Do I need to post the rules somewhere since they have obviously been forgotten?


Holy Shit!

I think it is time for you to start taking your bathroom breaks on another floor, if possible.

That's just creepy and definitely a violation of the Man Rules.

Or maybe he thought you were a particular senator and was propositioning you.

Holy Shit!
I think it is time for you to start taking your bathroom breaks on another floor, if possible.

That's just creepy and definitely a violation of the Man Rules.

Or maybe he thought you were a particular senator and was propositioning you.
I have to agree with Casey. If going to another restroom in the building isn't an option perhaps you need to get on a different 'schedule' to avoid being in there at the same time as the offender. If that isn't possible either consider leaving the office altogether to use the facilities. Go visit a retail establishment nearby, I'd avoid gas stations though, their facilities are not normally well maintained. If all else fails, crap in the bushes somewhere, just make sure you aren't caught on camera doing so.

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I have to agree with Casey. If going to another restroom in the building isn't an option perhaps you need to get on a different 'schedule' to avoid being in there at the same time as the offender. If that isn't possible either consider leaving the office altogether to use the facilities. Go visit a retail establishment nearby, I'd avoid gas stations though, their facilities are not normally well maintained. If all else fails, crap in the bushes somewhere, just make sure you aren't caught on camera doing so.
I'd give him a "If you're talking to me? I'm occupado right now."

You could also go with an Austin Powers-esqe "Who does Number 2 work for?!" set of exclamations.

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print this out and next time it happens slide it under the stall!!


It's the mystery of chatty bathroom guy!
Did he mention anything about Stormwater Modeling during his brief conversation? When you ignored him, did he begin to interview himself?

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Or maybe he thought you were a particular senator and was propositioning you.
Of course, I immediately went on guard for "wide stance" or "hand signal" indications, but fortunately none was forthcoming.

I'm thinking maybe this is Fudgey territory. Quick, somebody fire up the FudgeSignal! WWFD?

wow. that is grievous. That is why I try to avoid being in the can while there is another shitter present. Luckily, in our eng. dept. there is a bathroom with one stall and one pisser. If someone is using either, I wait. If I am using either, I lock the door. Nothing like privacy and solitude while extruding dook.

I might Have tried the "Que? No habla ingles senior"

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I now have another new item to add to the list of reasons I'm glad I work most days at home.

Does this guy actually work there or does he just sit there to strike up conversation with the passers bye?

^ :lmao: (just be careful about copping a plea)

I had an incident in a hotel bathroom where i happened to be doin my business in the lobby can rather than hotel room cuz i think wife was taking shower or something. . . .anyways, i'm tcb, playing video poker on the old cell phone, when i hear "hey baby!" come from one of the stalls (thinking the can was empty). Luckily, before i say a word, he continues conversation on his cell phone (pheww) - thought I'd been an unfortunate sideline captive audience to a Larry Craig hookup of some kind. Total violation of man rules, and arguably, dating rules to whoever he was talking to.

We used to have a guy here that ALWAYS talked in the crapper. All I could think was, "No! No! Wrong!"

He's gone now, and silence reighns supreme in the House of Poos.

I have to agree with Casey. If going to another restroom in the building isn't an option perhaps you need to get on a different 'schedule' to avoid being in there at the same time as the offender. If that isn't possible either consider leaving the office altogether to use the facilities. Go visit a retail establishment nearby, I'd avoid gas stations though, their facilities are not normally well maintained. If all else fails, crap in the bushes somewhere, just make sure you aren't caught on camera doing so.
I enjoyed the Scrubs episode where Turk and Dr. Cox were on the same pee schedule. I don't care who you are that's funny!

I have now for the second time this month been the victim of an egregious Man Rules violation. I'm sitting in a stall reading the Wall Street Journal, and without going into too much detail let's just say I was giving birth to another democrat, when an old country-fied voice from next door loudly poses the question, "What do you reckon that line of chairs out there is for? You reckon folks line up there for a seat, like at the barber shop?" So I paused, thinking maybe the guy was on a cell phone or something (already a Class III violation of Man Rules, to talk on a cell phone on the can while at work), but then I realized he was talking about the useless line of chairs out in front of the stalls, and he was talking to ME. That's a Class I-A Supreme Man Rules violation! There's no talking in the stalls. There's no chatting about chairs. Don't people know that? It's the second time this month and I think it's the same guy. Do I need to post the rules somewhere since they have obviously been forgotten?:poop:
I had an incident at a truck stop/casino/restaurant, lol, where upon entering the rest room I heard a conversation going on. As I approached the urinal, I realized the guy in the stall was on the phone. He was having one of those craps like the kid from American Pie had in the girls restroom. I didn't check but I bet his feet even left the floor. It sounded like his butthole exploded. I know the person on the other end of the phone could here it. I bet people in the restaurant heard him too. If he was talking to someone out-of-state, would that make it a Federal Man Law violation?
