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HAHAHA! Newsweek sent me a resubscribe offer for twenty bucks and I still tossed it.

Might subscribe to Grit and Mother Earth News (both 10 bucks a year). I can learn to raise farm animals and be a hippie!

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I'm suprised no one has mentioned the New Yorker. That's my favorite airport magazine.

I should probably thin the herd a little.


American Iron


Aviation Consumer

Hemmings Motor News

AOPA Pilot (Included with AOPA membership)

Sport Aviation (Included with EAA membership)

America's 1st Freedom (Included with NRA membership)

IEEE Power & Energy

Are Toys 'R Us and Babies 'R Us flyers considered magazines? I'm bombarded with their damn mailers seemingly on a daily basis.

I love magazines. Every Christmas growing up my parents would buy my brother and I magazine subscriptions. I still subscribe to 5 or 6 publications (Nat Geo, Popular Science etc).

we had to do something with our american airline miles or they would disappear, since we weren't taking a trip anytime soon we ordered magazines. Mr snick ordered Money and entertainment weekly. I ordered my sister entertainment weekly with mine.

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I get National Geographic as a gift from my parents (I guess my Mom's father did the same thing for her - they've got a full set going back to 1963, I think, in their basement)

I personally pay for a subscription to Sound & Vision (formerly Stereo Review, IIRC), sort of a relic from my free-spending single days. It comforts me to look through it and pretend I could actually buy some of that stuff.

My geekiest magazine is Fine Scale Modeler. I haven't built a scale model since I was in college, but I was so into it back then - attended national conventions, worked for a small model kit manufacturer in the summers - it also comforts me to look through the reviews and articles and pretend that I have the spare 4 hours per day to work on that stuff, like I did when I was a student.

I've never subscribed to a news magazine - just too much reading. I'll pick up a copy of the Economist once in a while, and leave it by the toilet. I'll get another after I finish that issue, usually 4-6 issues later.

Generally, I just enjoy going to big magazine stands and picking up whatever looks interesting. It may be fitness related like Bicycling or Outside, or a computer or video game magazine, a news magazine, or the New Yorker, but it's rarely consistent.

we used to get the economist while the kids were on debate team. what an awesome source for news! but then they graduated out and it's pretty pricey. I read it online now.

I've gotten the new yorker for 15 years. I love that magazine.

I also subscribe, on and off, to Martha Stewart living, food, cooking light, the economist, and foreign policy.

Also several magazines seem to randomly turn up: kiwi, parenting, civil engineering, EOS.

Here's my current list, along with the wife's:

ESPN (me)

Men's Health (me)

Car and Driver (me)

Bon Appetit (wife)

Parent's (wife)

Time (wife)

Having worked on DOD projects for the last 8.5yrs I have to admit anytime I hear someone talk about magazines I end up pausing slightly to see if they are referring to the literature, the gun ammo, or the bunker type of magazine.
