I saw Louisiana results have been released. How'd everyone do?
Congrats!Passed. Power. It was my third time. Doesn’t feel real yet.
Hi @Numbers25. Do you mind if I ask a question? (Obviously you don't have to answer.) What are you going to do with your MDM PE? I also have an MDM PE and I'm finding very few opportunities to use it. The only Mechanical PE opportunities I come across are mechanical systems in construction (plumbing, HVAC, etc). I mean having it does look good on my resume. But I'm curious if I'll ever use it.Passed MDM on my second attempt as well.
Failed April test with a 48/80.
Used eng pro guides this time around and felt much more confident walking out than the first time. Only really studied the practice exams and read through the merm the first time.
Coming out of school (2012) I wanted to get it strictly as a personal goal. Figured if I made it this far, finish the last step and get the PE. Had I been able to take it out of college, I would have been more comfortable taking the Thermal exam, but my entire career has been MDM based so I took that. I work in O&G and my first job didn't require it, but I switched to O&G consulting before being laid off. It was needed there as we did a lot of pressure vessel, dnv designs, and basic structural designs (skids, load bearing units, etc.) The new position I just took doesn't require it anymore either, but most of the positions that I interviewed that requested it involved consulting.Hi @Numbers25. Do you mind if I ask a question? (Obviously you don't have to answer.) What are you going to do with your MDM PE? I also have an MDM PE and I'm finding very few opportunities to use it. The only Mechanical PE opportunities I come across are mechanical systems in construction (plumbing, HVAC, etc). I mean having it does look good on my resume. But I'm curious if I'll ever use it.
Cool. Thanks for the insight.Coming out of school (2012) I wanted to get it strictly as a personal goal. Figured if I made it this far, finish the last step and get the PE. Had I been able to take it out of college, I would have been more comfortable taking the Thermal exam, but my entire career has been MDM based so I took that. I work in O&G and my first job didn't require it, but I switched to O&G consulting before being laid off. It was needed there as we did a lot of pressure vessel, dnv designs, and basic structural designs (skids, load bearing units, etc.) The new position I just took doesn't require it anymore either, but most of the positions that I interviewed that requested it involved consulting.
I am still considering a move down the line out of state and from my job searching it seems a larger number of the available positions required it than found here in LA.
Actually I have been out of school for 12 years. I thought it would be difficult but so far it’s been going very fast. I have worked for 5 companies. Ncees has already approved my work experience. I have 4 of my 5 supervisors signed off already and 4 of my 5 references. So I should be good to go by the second week of January. I wrote a lot for my experience write ups. I hope it’s enough for the board. But we shall see.That's an aggressive schedule. Best of luck to you.
It took 2 months for me to finish my experience write ups, and 4 months for all of my references and verifications to respond. But I would think it would be faster for younger engineers. I had 15 years, and 5 jobs, across 3 different companies. I think I ended up contacting 11 people total because a couple didn't respond... and one told me it was against HR policy.
Cool. Yeah, I had some trouble with a couple of old positions, supervisors had moved on, were hard to get in touch with, etc. Also LAPELS rejected my first submittal.Actually I have been out of school for 12 years. I thought it would be difficult but so far it’s been going very fast. I have worked for 5 companies. Ncees has already approved my work experience. I have 4 of my 5 supervisors signed off already and 4 of my 5 references. So I should be good to go by the second week of January. I wrote a lot for my experience write ups. I hope it’s enough for the board. But we shall see.
Since some of my experience wasn't under a PE, I had to explicitly give an explanation saying "this wasn't under a PE, and this is why it should count." It wasn't enough for me to just describe the experience.§1527. Supervision by Licensed Professional
Engineering. Experience should be gained under the supervision of a professional engineer holding a valid license to engage in the practice of engineering issued to him/her by proper authority of a state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, or, if not, an explanation shall be made showing why the experience should be considered acceptable.
Gotcha. Yeah luckily I have always worked under a PE so hopefully I don’t run into any issues.Cool. Yeah, I had some trouble with a couple of old positions, supervisors had moved on, were hard to get in touch with, etc. Also LAPELS rejected my first submittal.
Since some of my experience wasn't under a PE, I had to explicitly give an explanation saying "this wasn't under a PE, this this is why it should count." It wasn't enough for me to just describe the experience.
So I submitted my application to LAPELS yesterday. Took me 18 days to get it together which is pretty good considering we are in the middle of the holidays. I didn’t think it would go that quickly. Now the waiting period begins.When is everyone starting on your "Part 2" application?