Little things that irritate you

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The office lingerer. The person who won't leave and just wants to ********, keeping you from important things like spamming EB.

Being promised bacon only to be served turkey bacon (blargh!)

people that "click" pens while at a meeting

any sort of tapping

people who smack their food (god awful, the ******* worst!!)

people who talk on the phone in the bathroom, double if they are taking a duece

people on cell phones in stores in general, checkout lines,

worse, people on cell phones speaking foreign languages in stores, checkout lines

i used to dread eating at my house the entire time i was a kid, he is a terrible smacker (good dad though) to this day i position myself the farthest away from him i can anytime we go out to eat...

along the lines of smacking while eating...the scraping of the teeth on the fork to get the food off. my MIL does you really need to bite onto the fork to get the food off.

HR departments.

Ingrown hairs.

Popcorn kernels stuck in your teeth.

Toilet paper rolls loaded backwards.



coworkers clipping their finger nails at their desk at work
X 100.

Misapplication of "lose" and "loose".

Also, news anchors (journalism majors no less!) who misuse the words "enormity" and "decimated" (do not mean enormous and destroyed, respectively).
enormity can be "huge". See #3 below:

enor·mi·ty noun \i-ˈnȯr-mə-tē\

plural enor·mi·ties

Definition of ENORMITY

1: an outrageous, improper, vicious, or immoral act <the enormities of state power Susan Sontag> <other enormities too juvenile to mention Richard Freedman>

2: the quality or state of being immoderate, monstrous, or outrageous; especially : great wickedness <the enormity of the crimes committed during the Third Reich G. A. Craig>

3: the quality or state of being huge : immensity <the inconceivable enormity of the universe>

4: a quality of momentous importance or impact <the enormity of the decision>

contact lenses that get stuck in your eye socket...good heavens it took almost 20 minutes of blinking to get it to the front and out.
