JB66-- Get up and MOVE! There are a lot of opportunities out here-- I know of several here in the rural South that are ideal, great money, great living, however, away from an urban environment. That may or not work for you.
Moving and changing companies/locations is the only way in which to increase your salary. If you are the only one in your division with a PE and you are signing off on work that you are not in responsible charge of, there is a problem, let alone a salary issue.
Get your resume polished, real shiny-- get a good linkedin profile and get out and GO!
I would not buy a house-- you can rent and move with little hassle-- if you plan on staying someplace for 20 years, buy a house, If not, rent-- in the end, you will come out better financially.
The longest journey begins with the first step. Get started--TODAY! To hell with what the others think, get going. If you need help, let us know.