License plates for bikes and other dumb ideas in proposed bill

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And I don't see this as hurting a group...bikers say all the time they want the same rights as cars so here you go....

Why shouldn't bikers be ticketed for disobeying traffic laws and I see this all the time....

Now if this is for subdivisions that's insane...,,
Bikers should be ticketed for not obeying traffic laws. Although technically I break the law on my bike all the time because I will ride on the sidewalk. Did you know it's illegal in Georgia to ride a bike on the sidewalk? It's a law that I've never seen enforced though.

I don't think the bill makes a distinction between neighborhood streets vs. major thoroughfares although this bill is clearly aimed at the groups of cyclists you see in spandex suits riding in large groups. I think requiring them display license plates and limit them to groups of 4 riders is nuts. I don't ride my bike like that. If I do ride it's usually on neighborhood streets. Sometimes I'll ride to the gym or to the store or other short trips just so I don't have to start up my car. I figure I'm doing my part for the environment and getting some exercise so it's win-win. I stick to smaller back roads, bike trails or sidewalks to make those trips. I pretty much won't ride on a road with a speed limit over 35mph unless it has a bike trail, just because I don't want to get run over.

I don't feel like this bill is aimed at me but I don't like the idea that if this bill were to pass I'd have to register my bike, display a license plate and I would be restricted on how many other people I ride with. I don't feel like this is a problem in our area. We have bike lanes around and I think this would impinge on the pretty active bike groups in our community who ride for exercise, recreation and to socialize with other bikers. These people pay their fair share of motor fuel taxes. They aren't riding their bikes to avoid driving a car, they are doing it to workout. These are the people that would be impacted by a bill like this.

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Bikers even here in boulder are supposed to ride single file

I believe bikers here have to ride single file too, but this bill states that each bike would have to be a certain distance apart and is limited to a group of 4. Groups of 4 bikes must remain at least 50' apart. That's going a little to far IMO.

Bicyclists here in CO can get outright stupid. They can and will shut down US highways through the mountains because they're riding in large groups, completely oblivious to the dangers they are causing to other vehicles. The concept of the bill is on the right track, but I think it's a bit extreme and difficult to enforce.

This bill was written by an engineer at the state DOT and that part of the bill had safety in mind in terms of trying to prevent accidents that's all

Truthfully, I am gonna start riding my bike around town also now that I live in an area that is conducive to do so. And I don't think that if the folks who own the road ask me to buy a bike tag to get on their road . Then I don't see that as a huge inconvenience as those things they provide (underpasses and bike lanes) cost money..

& yes the people who own the road is "us" and we elect ******* politicians to represent us.. :)

I am pretty flexible person but call me butt hurt or whatever and your gonna get gone.. Unless you want to start paying the bills....

I honestly wouldn't see a problem with requiring all cyclists over 16 to pay a registration. Many would ignore a req't like that, but some would comply. In a way, we already do this with bike passes for state trails. I also think bikes can and should be ticketed for traffic violations. Bicyclists break the rules for the same reason drivers do, it gets them where they're going faster and they can get away with it.

Fascinating Worley trivia for the day: The Good Roads movement was begun by and for bicyclists.

What the heck is wrong with and the multiple posts and buttons not working and crazy stuff when trying to post pictures.

I'm getting all butt-hurt about it.
I thought I was just image-posting incompetent, so I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one having trouble. I feel less incompetent now.
What the heck is wrong with and the multiple posts and buttons not working and crazy stuff when trying to post pictures.

I'm getting all butt-hurt about it.
Once you hit post, just refresh the page. It should be posted.

I ride a bike quite a bit, and there are some really bad riders out there that need to be ticketed or have their drivers licenses revoked. Here in MI it is legal to ride side-by-side but you are required to go single-file when traffic approaches.

I generally try to stay away from busy state highways, but I do occasionally ride on them. A wider shoulder really benefits everyone so I don't see the problem with the gas tax funding it. In any case the majority of riding is done on local roads, so as someone else pointed out, passing a state-wide law to regulate this stuff is ridiculous.

I was standing in line at lunch when I read that butt-hurt comment and chuckled, I knew what was coming... if I wasn't about to order, I would have done him a favor and edited his response before RG saw it, but... well, he gets on my nerves, so Junior Bacon Cheeseburger came first.
Wise move, my friend. Junior Bacon Cheeseburger should always come before rescues of the inpertinant.

Watch out Wolv, if some Georgia legislators get their way you'll have to get your bike licensed AND have a 4"x7" license plate mounted to your ride. Highlights of the bill include:

  • Every owner of a motor vehicle, ... every owner of a bicycle, and every owner of a trailer shall, during the owner's registration period in each year, register such vehicle as provided in this chapter and obtain a license to operate it for the 12 month period until such person's next registration period."

  • "Any person purchasing or acquiring a bicycle shall register and obtain, or transfer, a license plate to operate such bicycle upon streets with motor vehicle traffic from the county tag agent in his or her county of residence no later than 30 days after the date of purchase or acquisition of the bicycle."

  • "...License plates which shall be at least four inches wide and not less than seven inches in length..."

  • "Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall ride single file except on bicycle paths, bicycle lanes, parts of roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles, or when a special event permit issued by a local governing authority permits riding more than single file. Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall ride no more than four riders per single file line, and at least four feet shall separate each bicycle. At least 50 feet shall be maintained between each line of four riders at all times."
You can check out the full bill here:

I realize that some groups of cyclists can be a little annoying and if you are in a hurry it isn't much fun to get stuck behind a slow moving cyclist, but this is absurd.

What, if anything, became of this?
