License plates for bikes and other dumb ideas in proposed bill

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Y'all are missing the point...

If you can't get on a transit system without paying a "fare", why should you be able to ride a bike on a public road without paying for said road?

Roads are paid for by vehicle fees and gas taxes for the most part...

We need to also figure out a way to make those electric car owners pay also...

Of course I am in bike hell where the bikes have more rights than cars (& they aren't even paying for the ******* right to be on the road!!!)))

******* disgusting!

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Road Guy thinks bicyclists should pay to use the road just like people pay to use all other forms of transportation. Just a hunch. And he might just have a point, but if that is the case, then they should pay for the amount of damage they do to it, because the gas tax is there to pay for maintenance of the roads from deterioration due to vehicle use. By that metric, cyclists should pay about a penny every decade or so.

Y'all are missing the point...

If you can't get on a transit system without paying a "fare", why should you be able to ride a bike on a public road without paying for said road?

Roads are paid for by vehicle fees and gas taxes for the most part...

We need to also figure out a way to make those electric car owners pay also...

Of course I am in bike hell where the bikes have more rights than cars (& they aren't even paying for the ******* right to be on the road!!!)))

******* disgusting!
Lets privatize all roads, and let the private companies charge tolls. :)

I agree that the motor fuel tax should only be spent on asphalt and bridges not for trails sidewalks transit or any of the above it won't happen but that is my firm belief of what the money that you put in your car when you buy gasoline and pay a gas text should not go to anything that doesn't involve a vehicle

But it is being spent on a lot of things that have nothing to do with construction and maintenance of roadways and that is one of the main reasons why there is not enough funding for transportation in this country

Not saying I want a new tax but I want the existing motor fuel tax used for the purpose of things that actually use "motor fuel"

This is a pet peeve of mine and bikers (peddle power) are a group that always show up at road projects wanting bike lanes and trails added to roads, which cost money but they don't actually participate in funding said improvements(if that makes sense)...

Take a 10 mile road project and add. 4' of pavement to both sides and that adds up to a lot of money...

So I say he'll yes tax them!

This is a pet peeve of mine and bikers (peddle power) are a group that always show up at road projects wanting bike lanes and trails added to roads, which cost money but they don't actually participate in funding said improvements(if that makes sense)...

If a bike lane is provided and it actually succeeds in encouraging people to commute by bike instead of car (overzealous engineering assumption conceded), then the wear on the road should be reduced. Therefore, the need for future re-paving or maintenance cost should be reduced. Therefore, investing in bike lanes should, theoretically, pay for itself in the long run.

I don't think they intend this for subdivision roads but for yahoos that drive down barrett Parkway on the side of the road they are welfare queens of transportation and should pay their fair share wether they are in a cat or on a bike

It's hard to ride a bike while "in a cat."

I ride a mountain bike. I don't need roads.

Personally, I really don't think bikes belong on roads with cars. The speed and acceleration differentials are too high. Bike and walking trails work better and are safer. I'm all for dedicated trails of such nature because they can be made and maintained far more cheaply.

But how to fund it fairly?


As if the gov really thinks of fair <---sarcastic, cynical editorial.

So I do bike commute 1.3 miles each way to and from work, and 0.9 miles each way to and from daycare drop off at my friends' house. That's all on city roads funded, at least partially, by my property taxes, so I pay my share. And I do register 2 vehicles in Wisconsin, because winter is prohibitive to bike commuting. Since property taxes factor into municipal road work, seems like anyone who is not homeless is paying into the road coffers.

^Same thing here.

I got into an argument with a city council member about repaving the local bike path. It came down to spending the money on the bike bath or a police car. Nothing to do with road funding.

On average most city and county road departments get 10% , if that, out of property taxes.... Most of your property taxes, nationwide average is 2/3 go to the school district..

But state routes are funded 99% with gas taxes so that's what this bill is referring to.

My old job we had a 1% sales tax for transportation and we would include bike and ped stuff In there but that's what sold it to the voters...

Your missing the point and if you had to deal with some of these nut job biker people you would see mine but you don't...

Your missing the point and if you had to deal with some of these nut job biker people you would see mine but you don't...
I see your point, but I don't agree with your position. Some places embrace cyclist and don't see them as freeloaders of the transportation system. I don't think writing a statewide bill to dissuade people from riding bikes on public roads is a good idea.

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Ngrd- you know I like a good argument but I didn't take it personal with you so why don't you go **** yourself?



And I don't see this as hurting a group...bikers say all the time they want the same rights as cars so here you go....

Why shouldn't bikers be ticketed for disobeying traffic laws and I see this all the time....

Now if this is for subdivisions that's insane...,,

But state routes are funded 99% with gas taxes so that's what this bill is referring to.
Okay, let me just point out... (and this is a bit ironic coming from me)... while all these people are going about their environmentally hippie way of riding their bikes to work and to the store and all that, they aren't putting gas in the car, decreasing tax revenue available to fund the infrastructure that they are so willing to use for their commutes via a nearly completely tax free mode. As cars turn more towards hybrids, electric, pedal power... the infrastructure will continue to get used, continue to experience wear and tear, and continue to need repairs and the funding that has historically provided a budget (albeit a small one) will decrease as revenues decrease.

IF we want services provided to us, then we need to pay for them. The pavement being there for us to drive or ride on is a service provided and it needs to be funded.

And taxation by citation is a crock concept, if you don't want to pay the fine, fee, tax (what ever you want to call it) then obey the law and you won't have to.

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