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Well-known member
May 5, 2011
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I personally thought I was doing ok until the afternoon, it was brutal! Goodluck to all!

Redskinsdb21, your comment about the afternoon session reminded me of a funny post from another cycle I typically remind people of. If anything it's worth a good laugh. But much easier to laugh about not waiting on results, obviously. ;)

I've posted this before for previous exam results because it is one of the more funny synopses I've read. Still makes me laugh after reading it again. Not sure if this will help any in terms of how you think you did on the exam but it is certainly worth a good laugh. Here were the poster's thoughts about the April 2011 exam:

EE - Power. "You sunk my battleship."

Preparation Time/Materials: 250 total hours. 5 textbooks, prep coursework notebook, 2 notebooks of graduate class material, calculators, snacks, rolling suitcase.

Money: ~$1,550.

General Observations: Arrived at my site 30 minutes prior to report time. Noticed that many others had literally libraries and libraries of books. Someone had a giant wagon with bungie cords holding all of the books together. Others just had a single piece of paper. Wild. I randomly started thinking of a national geographic special with narration by Morgan Freeman on PE test taking habits. I needed that laugh to clear my head.

AM Session: Felt the AM session was great. Only ended up with 6-7 that I didn't have a single solid answer or couldn't find it in my reference. I finished slightly early and checked only some of my work.

PM Session: Total unadulterated bloodbath. Couldn't seem to concentrate enough to find the equations I needed. Calculator was spitting out answers that were out of this world. Saw stuff that I barely covered in droves. About 2-3 hours into the afternoon, my brain felt like it had been through a dishwasher and I started hopping around from question to question. Not good. I will be lucky if I got a quarter to half right. I might as well have taken another discipline in the afternoon or gone to work. A monkey may have been able to do better.

Final Thoughts: As I left the exam area, I felt numb, dumb, and a little crushed. I felt like I blew the morning session out of the water. Then the PE got off a torpedo as I was heading to collect my stamp, promotion, and better life. I'm not very good at guessing and doing the math in my head all weekend I kept envisioning a percentage score in the upper 60s with an afternoon diagnostic that simply says "monkey". 6 months of neglecting my wife and family might be for nothing in the end except doing it all over again. I know the pass rate for repeaters is low, but what is the divorce rate?

Oh well. If I recall from a coworker, last years results were released in around 45-50 days following the exam. I think he got his in late May. We shall see. I guess the ultimate decision is now do I crack open another book....or another beer?
Same thing here......the morning was easy for me. but afternoon, it was literally a blood bath.

Those who makes these exams should have taken into consideration that our minds will be exhausted by noon....so they should always make the 2nd part to be easier than the 1st.

good luck to all.


Morning was good. I agree that the PM session should be easier.

But if the PM exam was in the AM session I might have not come back for the PM session. I hope NCEES's psychometrics (Voodo science) will bring the passing score lower.

Same thing here......the morning was easy for me. but afternoon, it was literally a blood bath.

Those who makes these exams should have taken into consideration that our minds will be exhausted by noon....so they should always make the 2nd part to be easier than the 1st.

good luck to all.
What did you take Wael?

Amen. Morning was good. I agree that the PM session should be easier. But if the PM exam was in the AM session I might have not come back for the PM session. I hope NCEES's psychometrics (Voodo science) will bring the passing score lower.
I assume you took power, "power 62"?...and yes I agree...about 3 p.m., I was worn out trying to figure out how to approach several problems..I of course took power...I also agree, if morning was anything close to PM, I would have prob. not even returned..one can only hope that the passing score isnt sky high..with sky high being above 50, we couldnt be so lucky !


I think from previous forums, it was your second time. right?

if so, was last week's exam easier or harder?

honestly I dont know if ill pass or not. I was very confident with my preperation with 98% on 12 exams including NCEES.

but during the afternoon portion, I felt all what I have been building crashed.

i hope what you r saying is true about passing score.


You are correct and basically, the morning exam seemed easier from what I remember ( I took it first April 2012)...after it, I was like all the extra studying paid off...I assume I got at least 30/40, I was really through most of the session with a whole hours to go and answer the last few tougher problems...for afternoon...I will probably be lucky to get 20/40...notice I said we couldnt be so lucky

lets wait and see. seems that afternoon was harder on most of the examinees. if so, then, then passing score wont be a sky high. Hopefully. all the best

In the morning session mayvbe I had to guess on couple of questions nad think or work hard on 3 -4 questions.

In the evening session 15 or so questions were easy, 10 were kind of hard, and atleast 10 questions very hard and atleast 5 question with no clue.

faults calculations seemed tought for me and some questions I had no clue on..I cant even remember them

sounds like you may have gotten it power 62...I sure hope somebody did..it will be close for me

for me some fault calculations, I am not sure if i solved them correctly. beside that I think i screwed the special applications topics.

For me unsymmetrical fault analysis. I did not study this topic that much thinking there won't be many problems.

Going in I knew VFD/ASD was weak spot for me. I do not think I saw too many problems but atleast 1 or 2 of them I had no clue.

Me too not sure about some of the Special Application questions.

I am glad I had copy of NESC. Last minute addition to my references.

Yeah, they were one VFD problem that caught me off guars as well...as far as faults, the unsymmetrical stuff wasnt got me, it was more of the single line faults calcs that stubbed me

two to three questions for special applications (Illum, demand, reliability, etc) were totally off the base (atleast for me).

I took the power exam too. I know about an hour and a half into the afternoon I started to worry about how many questions I was skipping to come back to if I had time. It may have been more exhaustion than anything, I moved on to problems I could solve and when I returned back through skipped problems I was at least able to find a way to an answer on the majority of them. That's not to say I got them right. I sure hope I pass as I really do not want to go through that again.


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