I am qualified to take the LEED Green Associate and I plan to take the exam in a month. Can you recommend good books/study materials for this exam? I bought the two books from USGBC 1) LEED Green Associate Study Guide and 2) Green Building and LEED Core Concepts and just didn't feel confident with just these two. They seem to be somewhat identical and only touch the surface of the topics.
I am considering the package offered by greenexamprep (without the online 8hr course) on here
But I want to ask for your opinion on good and relevant study materials before I waste more money on this whole #@$#%$$#$ LEED thing!!!
I've already spent roughtly $200 for an educational class to get qualified for the exam, money for the GBCI to verify my qualification and the two books from the source that don't seem to be very helpful...and yes, I feel like being

on big time.
These exams can take your shirt if you're not careful.
Not to make you feel too bad, but people have been getting approval to take the GA using certificates generated by the free CMP web based courses offered at
https://www.usgbc.org/CourseCatalog/CourseC...;CMSPageID=2115 ..not sure if they would stand up to an audit, but there's plenty of word of mouth getting around that these are a-okay
Depending on your profession & school background, a signed letter from a boss or professor would also have done the trick....
I also bought the core concepts & study guide. waste of $$ big time
I would recommend the GBES GA package for $50 regardless of what other material you have purchased. This includes a study guide in pdf & MP3 format as well as 7 practice tests. EVERYONE who takes the test should get this IMO... But if you want free stuff, there is some available:
http://www.green.ca.gov/leedtraining.htm (careful as these were recorded prior to the massive changes in the appendices coming out)
Also make sure you are familiar with all the free OFFICIAL reference download documents here:
http://www.gbci.org/main-nav/professional-...-associate.aspx ESPECIALLY the refrigerants.
Hope this helps.