Last thing watched on netflix / Amazon..................

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I finished up S3 of The Man in the High Castle, I think this was the best season so far, at least the story was interesting..

The stargate Sg1 part was a little lame & it also sort of felt a little like the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark - But it did make me watch the very first episode again, and yes I got to bed around 3 AM.. 

I have no discipline...

Yeah, "Jack Ryan" was really good.  Ended up watching the whole thing yesterday thanks in large part to a bout of insomnia last night.  Hopefully they'll run another season or two.

For those that watched it...did I miss something?  What was the point of the drone pilot storyline?

I'm guessing they will bring that character back next season, otherwise, I agree, pretty pointless.

Got  a new TV this weekend, our old one finally crapped out.  Had been tempermental about how it was turned on and finally stopped turning on.  Mr snick changed our netflix password too, so I am in the same boat as mini csb.

I watched "Veronica" which was claimed to be the "scariest movie ever."  Even junior, who is scared of her own shadow, was not scared.  

We just started watching "Haunting of Hill House".  More confusing than scary at the moment, but I've heard they sneak ghosts into half the scenes, so now I'm not even paying attention to the story line, just watching all the backgrounds for bodies and faces.

Just finished "Haunting of Hill House" last night. Going to watch "Homecoming" on Amazon Prime when it is released. We listened to the podcast and enjoyed it. 


i don't find the haunting of hill house all that scary...there are some startling moments but not scary.  

I am on episode 3 of Season 1 and its intriguing but a little hard to follow what the point of the show is?

I had to see House of Cards to the end but what a terrible way to end that show.  It was a very slow end without an actual ending.

The Good Doctor.  Directed by the same guy who did House M.D.  The concept is certainly not new but interesting so far.

I had to see House of Cards to the end but what a terrible way to end that show.  It was a very slow end without an actual ending.
I've been debating whether to watch.  I had been a die hard fan up until this point, but I have not seen so much as a single positive review, aside from some feminist rants about how great it is to see female figures of authority that had nothing to do with the actual season.

It doesn’t show women in power in a good light if you ask me. Does more harm than good.

It doesn’t show women in power in a good light if you ask me. Does more harm than good.
In that case, I suspect most of the commentary came from those who hadn't really watched, but were just thrilled about Spacey being gone...

I started watching Hand of God - on episode 2 - sort of good and also sort of weird at the same time.. 

Been watching Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown with the kiddos.  Good stuff, but there are some adult words thrown around.
