Yikes. Kind of late in the game to just get this information. Is she going to fail school and need summer school/be kept back because of it?
I don't believe so, her grades were high with the exception of a note on the report card stating that she was behind on some math facts test they have to take. Their communication as to what the finish requirements are for her grade are very poor, so I don't know whether she has to finish X in order to move on. They also have a policy in their grade of not correcting spelling mistakes, not checking content in their answers, etc., unless it's a test for that specific thing. I think that policy is complete ********, and is a large part of why she gets away with it without any real consequence at school. I swear, she could take every school assignment she has, write "I like turtles" on every line, and as long as she didn't leave any blanks, there'd be a smiley face drawn at the top of the f*cking thing by her teacher.
Even at home, she would get in the habit of rushing through, expecting us (her mother) to tell her what was wrong, and then quickly erasing it and writing in another (usually half-assed) answer in hopes that she could go play sooner.
Now to the point where when she brings the homework home, I copy the blank assignment on the printer. I make her do the assignment on the copied sheet, and if she a) skips any questions because she didn't bother to read or look at both sides of the page, b) puts some BS answer because she didn't bother to read the question, or c) has more than one re-do after being told how to fix it, I make HER rip the paper up and start over.
She's also been informed that if she doesn't have her **** together and an apparent attitude change, that she will be spending the week of the 4th of July at home with ME doing school work, instead of going with her mother to their annual Vermont family reunion/vacation.
Mom caves to the whining, Dad doesn't mess around with this sh!t. Of course, I have to rely on Mom to enforce most of this, since I am rarely through the door prior to 8PM or so.
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