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Mini-Dex#2 lost another tooth yesterday. Now she is missing both upper front teeth and her two middle bottom front teeth. The bad part is that she put the tooth under her pillow last night and the tooth fairy forgot to make a stop at our house. As Mrs Dex and I were taking a shower this morning, we heard a knocking on the bathroom door. We got out to check, and she was crying that the tooth fairy didn't visit last night. We had to make up an excuse that the tooth fairy can't fly in the snow (we got 1/2" of snow overnight), and that she would probably stop by tonight.
and what happens when she losses a tooth mid winter and snowing for days?
I hoping she doesn't remember this...

The tooth fairy gets upgrades to Technology all the time... the next time a tooth comes out it will just so happen that her wings will be upgraded for deicing. She'll be able to fly in the snow... :)
Doesn't even need that. I hear she can send payments through PayPal now. LOL

since you were "together" in the bathroom maybe one of you should have done the consoling while the other went to double check (while grabbing $ on the way to her room) and say oh i found it it fell behind your bed on the floor...

hope it works out. I was without my two front teeth for almost two years. hopefuly no cook outs in the near future with corn on the cobb.
We actually remembered after we got into the shower, but as it turned out it was too late. She was standing at the door with her tooth in hand. Kinda hard to give her the money if she knows the tooth was still there.

cloth diapers for the win!
No diapers, for the win.
okay seriously, have you seen the article about holding the baby over the naked cup... I need to go find that... hilarious.
I remember reading about this Chinese practice in the cloth vs. disposable diaper debate. The argument in favor of cloth was that Chinese babies are potty-trained by 6 months since they wear those open-bottom gowns and learn to recognize the sensation, unlike disposable diapers that wick away the wet feeling. Kind of a silly argument when you consider all the stories of adult Chinese tourists who are still barely potty trained. :)

I found this because I was trying to figure out what the deal was about the baby cages.
"Sick of the ridiculous costs of diapers? A little simple math reveals that the average yearly cost of using disposable diapers is a whopping $2,577.35. That's just entirely too much of the midlife crisis whores-and-coke fund going down the poop chute, if you ask us."


they had another article about how everyone is influencing their children's political views... some of the things like the "liberals under the bed might eat me book" I found hilarious, yet true in so many ways (both the article and the book)...and they gave both parties pretty fair shots.

Back to poop. Mini-MS#2 is getting really good at evacuating his body on the training potty. He really only wears diapers at night now. He's only dropped it on the floor once, but we have wood flooring so cleanup wasn't bad.

Back to poop. Mini-MS#2 is getting really good at evacuating his body on the training potty. He really only wears diapers at night now. He's only dropped it on the floor once, but we have wood flooring so cleanup wasn't bad.
I have a nephew (he's older now) that used diapers until he was like 5+..and when I say used them, I mean he would go without and when it was time, he'd tell his parents he had to go. They'd put a diaper on him and he'd go stand in a corner of the room and poop. Then he 'd ask to be cleaned up. It was pretty sad, but his parents let him do it.

Tonsillectomy went well yesterday. Dr said her adenoids were extremely large as well as the tonsils so it was a good decision. She is doing well this morning so looks like recovery shouldn't be too hard on her/us.

Here's to hopefully no more sore throats, dr visits, and medicines.
