Kids of EB

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So NJ #1 had her first bedwetting accident since going to bed w/o a pull up, about two weeks ago. I hope this does not cause a regression.
It shouldn't.

With my daughter, we were pretty strict about nothing to drink an hour before bed time and a trip to the potty is a must before bed time.

Even with that, accidents happened. We never got upset. Just be sure to always have an extra set of clean sheets. A plastic mattress cover might be good too.

Funny, mini-ble1 had his first accident last night. He woke up around the same time I got up to get ready for the gym, so I went in and got him undressed and put him in bed with mrs. ble. I think what caused it was it was a lot colder in the house than it has been recently since the temps dropped overnight and he can never stay covered up. It doesn't help that he drinks water like a fish. Hopefully it's just this one time.

Our daughter went through a regression of bed wetting after about 6 months of being dry every night. It was really frustrating b/c she would wet 3 times a week. Lasted about 2 weeks and hasn't had an accident in 2 years since. Hopefully that doesn't happen for you all.

I've got two in diapers, one who refuses to go to the potty and the other who has a legitimate excuse. The 2 year old actually came up to me tonight and said, "Daddy, I'm going pee pee right now!" giggle, giggle. Then said, "All done, change diaper"! I looked at her straight in the eyes and asked in a calm, measured, fatherly voice, "young lady, why didn't you pee in the potty?" Her answer... "I couldn't go to potty, I was peeing!"

I've got two in diapers, one who refuses to go to the potty and the other who has a legitimate excuse. The 2 year old actually came up to me tonight and said, "Daddy, I'm going pee pee right now!" giggle, giggle. Then said, "All done, change diaper"! I looked at her straight in the eyes and asked in a calm, measured, fatherly voice, "young lady, why didn't you pee in the potty?" Her answer... "I couldn't go to potty, I was peeing!"
Damn, she owned you!

I've got two in diapers, one who refuses to go to the potty and the other who has a legitimate excuse. The 2 year old actually came up to me tonight and said, "Daddy, I'm going pee pee right now!" giggle, giggle. Then said, "All done, change diaper"! I looked at her straight in the eyes and asked in a calm, measured, fatherly voice, "young lady, why didn't you pee in the potty?" Her answer... "I couldn't go to potty, I was peeing!"

Mini-ble2 is giving us fits with potty training. We had it extremely easy with mini-ble1 and after his first day out of diapers I think he only had a couple of accidents and this was at ~20 months old. Mini-ble2 is over 2.5 and she still doesn't show an interest in going to the potty. She knows what it is and knows when she has to pee, just like your little one, but she won't sit on the potty. The one promising thing is that I believe that once she decides she wants to go on the potty, then that's going to be it. No fuss and no accidents. I just wish she would hurry up.

I must be very lucky because mini-kevo hasn't really had any issues (yet) on potty training. When she needs to go she will simply ask to go or sometimes even just go to the bathroom herself. Of course, we do need to put a diaper on her during nap time and bed time.

I must admit it was pretty crazy the first time she went potty herself without asking. She simply left the room and went to her bathroom. I asked my wife where she went and then you could hear her in the bathroom. She got a treat for that one.

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No more diapers is a big milestone for child and parent. My daughter was pretty easy. We would use pullups for naps a preschool until she got good.

it depends on minisnicks growth spurts, I have bought new shoes only to have to replace 2 months later because his feet grew overnight. CHeap shoes are wore out within a month. His last pair of new balance, which I only paid about $20 for since I needed new shoes too. (shoe carnival get second pr half off sort of thing) have lasted probably 6 months. The stitching on the shoes were starting to unravel within the last couple weeks but they were getting small on him.

We've had good luck with sketchers for my 6 y/o daughter. She is a very active kid and sketchers hold up well.

Booked flights to send the kids to my parents for two weeks, then from my parents they fly to my in laws for two weeks, then back to CO.....

I think the cost of not feeding them for a month will actually make the airfare balance out!

Booked flights to send the kids to my parents for two weeks, then from my parents they fly to my in laws for two weeks, then back to CO.....

I think the cost of not feeding them for a month will actually make the airfare balance out!
this is probably correct.

Booked flights to send the kids to my parents for two weeks, then from my parents they fly to my in laws for two weeks, then back to CO.....

Good thing you're not Mike. With all that time alone with the wife, the kids would be getting a new sibling by winter.

Mini-ble2 is giving us fits with potty training. We had it extremely easy with mini-ble1 and after his first day out of diapers I think he only had a couple of accidents and this was at ~20 months old. Mini-ble2 is over 2.5 and she still doesn't show an interest in going to the potty. She knows what it is and knows when she has to pee, just like your little one, but she won't sit on the potty. The one promising thing is that I believe that once she decides she wants to go on the potty, then that's going to be it. No fuss and no accidents. I just wish she would hurry up.
That sounds like our experience. First kid was about 24 months, started to train her and was done in a week no problems. Other kid was 2 when we tried, didn't work out so we would try again every few months. He was perfectly capable but would simply say no I don't want to I want diapers. When he suddenly decided it was time, took about 2 days from always in diapers to only 1 or 2 accidents in that first week. Now if only we could get him to aim in the toilet...

^^^ My son is almost 9 and we still have those battles with aim.

I'm sure the ladies will claim that most of their husbands also have that problem.
