Kids of EB

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ok lets change the subject away from is making me nauseous.

We talked about it so much it even spilled over into the PE Exam forum. Now we have to try to scrub it out of there and it's way too early in the morning for this.

Just found out our little one has to have tonsils removed. Really don't like the idea of my kid having to get surgery at 5 years old.

Just found out our little one has to have tonsils removed. Really don't like the idea of my kid having to get surgery at 5 years old.

You know, I totally hear you. As you may or may not be aware, my third was in NICU and had surgery at 12 days old. I'm not saying that to compare horror stories, only to relay that it doesn't matter if their 12 days old, 5 years old, or 100 years old, the idea of your little tyke or princess going under the knife is absolutely traumatizing. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, it was one of the most stressful four hours of my life and then another stressful two days making sure the recovery was going well.

Good luck ventilator, my thoughts are with little vent.

Just found out our little one has to have tonsils removed. Really don't like the idea of my kid having to get surgery at 5 years old.

You know, I totally hear you. As you may or may not be aware, my third was in NICU and had surgery at 12 days old. I'm not saying that to compare horror stories, only to relay that it doesn't matter if their 12 days old, 5 years old, or 100 years old, the idea of your little tyke or princess going under the knife is absolutely traumatizing. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, it was one of the most stressful four hours of my life and then another stressful two days making sure the recovery was going well.

Good luck ventilator, my thoughts are with little vent.
Thanks, I appreciate that. Hope your little one is doing fine now. I know it will never be easy but at 12 days old that sounds like even more stress to me.

What is the justification for it?
She has had multiple throat infections over the last 6 months and the tonsils are extremely large and almost always inflamed. I think it has been 3 or 4 cases of strep and 3 or 4 cases of tonsillitis. She also at times will wake up at night with what sounds like choking/breathing prob which they think is partly due to the enlarged tonsils.

We've put it off hoping things would improve but she starts kindergarten in 4 or 5 months and we have a new baby coming in 2 months. We hate to do it but everytime a sickness has come into the house it has started with her and moved on to her brother and sometimes us. We don't want that affecting the new born (and her obviously) so its something the Drs think is best and can't have her missing that much school. Other than the throat stuff she is always healthy so the hope is this will fix that and she can go back to being happy and healthy.

Just found out our little one has to have tonsils removed. Really don't like the idea of my kid having to get surgery at 5 years old.

You know, I totally hear you. As you may or may not be aware, my third was in NICU and had surgery at 12 days old. I'm not saying that to compare horror stories, only to relay that it doesn't matter if their 12 days old, 5 years old, or 100 years old, the idea of your little tyke or princess going under the knife is absolutely traumatizing. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, it was one of the most stressful four hours of my life and then another stressful two days making sure the recovery was going well.

Good luck ventilator, my thoughts are with little vent.
Thanks, I appreciate that. Hope your little one is doing fine now. I know it will never be easy but at 12 days old that sounds like even more stress to me.

What is the justification for it?
She has had multiple throat infections over the last 6 months and the tonsils are extremely large and almost always inflamed. I think it has been 3 or 4 cases of strep and 3 or 4 cases of tonsillitis. She also at times will wake up at night with what sounds like choking/breathing prob which they think is partly due to the enlarged tonsils.

We've put it off hoping things would improve but she starts kindergarten in 4 or 5 months and we have a new baby coming in 2 months. We hate to do it but everytime a sickness has come into the house it has started with her and moved on to her brother and sometimes us. We don't want that affecting the new born (and her obviously) so its something the Drs think is best and can't have her missing that much school. Other than the throat stuff she is always healthy so the hope is this will fix that and she can go back to being happy and healthy.

If it makes you feel better I was chronic with the strep growing up (I think the record was 6 times in kindergarten) it got to the point where I didn't know if I was sick anymore and I ended up with Scarlet Fever... once I had them out, I have had it maybe once since (in the last 24 or so years)... have they mentioned her adenoids or will they just to the tonsils?

If it makes you feel better I was chronic with the strep growing up (I think the record was 6 times in kindergarten) it got to the point where I didn't know if I was sick anymore and I ended up with Scarlet Fever... once I had them out, I have had it maybe once since (in the last 24 or so years)... have they mentioned her adenoids or will they just to the tonsils?
I think just the tonsils, wife took her to the consultation today since I couldn't make it. I hate that i missed it but it never fails that the "cant miss meeting" falls at the worst time and then surprise, most unproductive thing you've ever been a part of.

Junior was 3 when she had her tonsils out. It went off without a hitch. She was CONSTANTLY getting tonsilitis, and it was inhibiting her ability to eat and keep weight on. In fact the surgery went so well, she didn't even want any of the pain medication, and said it barely hurt more than a scratchy throat. The one thing I remember was that she had the squeakiest voice in the world until the inflammation went down.

That's a pretty different outcome then when I had my tonsils and adenoids out as a kid. Same thing, severely underweight, never could eat, was sick nearly bi-weekly. I remember being in ridiculous pain afterwards, where I couldn't even swallow juice/popsicles for days. Had to go back to the hospital for IV fluids for a few days to keep from getting dehydrated. Once I had them out though, I started eating like Augustus Gloop, hence my present physique 20-something years later.

My oldest had the tubes put in his ears when he was 18 months. He was constantly getting ear infections so it was the right thing to do. I hope the tonsillectomy goes well for little vet and it fixes the issue.

Things seem to be back to normal at the sapper household. My daughter was so cute last night. When I got home from cub scouts, she came up and said, "awww daddy, I missed you!" then gave my knee a hug. Then I said, "awww sweety, I missed you too. I love you!" and she said, "NO! I don't love you!" giggle, giggle, giggle, "I'm a dragon, I eat YOU!!!!" and proceeded to go from hugging my knee to pretending to eat my knee complete with munching sound effects.

^ That is cute. How old is your daughter? I loved when my daughter started having those spontaneous playful/imaginative moments.

So here I am, spending quality time on when I hear my daughter screaming upstairs and doors slamming. What the hell is going on? :dunno:

FTS, I'm staying down here.
