Kids of EB

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My 3yr old daughter did her first official "do it yourself haricut" last night. Luckily my son was there and started yelling at her to stop playing with the scissors, so she only really managed to cut a small chunk off the side before I came in.

The for some strange reason (completely unrelated), about an hour later my son starts singing Achey Breaky Heart. The surprising part is that he knew most of the words despite the fact that the song has never been played in the house/car since well before he was even born (I hate country music). My wife said she never listens to country in her car either, which means he must have picked it up at school... Wierd.

Junior has learned to snort like a pig, and now does so any chance she gets. All you hear now is a deep, oscillating "oooooooink, ooooooooink" emanating from her room at every opportunity. When she's done oinking, she makes the same noise and says she's pretending to sleep.

She's also faking being sick to get attention after she had three days worth of it with her grandmother in town.

So, I started the "Expecting" thread when I joined, as my wife was expecting mini-Buff at the time, and I had some questions. Fast forward 2.5 years, and mini-Buff is now a little kid. I can't believe how fast she grows up/absorbs things. We don't really have a place to brag about our kids, express their achievements, etc. I put forward this thread to unabashedly brag about our kids achievements, whether they be 1 month or 30 years old. For instance, tonight, my daughter smelled something burning in the kitchen, and said "That's stinky. Use some spray!"(meaning the Febreeze) I told her we didn't need to, because it would go away. She asked how, and I told her "it will dissipate; that means it will go away." She immediately repeated the word dissipate to me. I know it's a little thing, but it's a big word, and she knew what it meant. How about your kids?
Time flies...yes they do grow up fast...

I have a (gulp) 15 year old son, and 11 year old daughter, and a 2 year old daughter. They mean the world to me. FYI The factory is now closed. I feel shorter and shorter every day.

when Mr snick dropped minisnick off at daycare this morning, Minisnick cried for the first time and kept reaching out for daddy. He has never done that before.

Mini-OSU is on a sleeping streak... I think we're at 9 nights in a row now that she's slept at least from 9pm-ish to at least 6am... but most of the time 8:30-9am.... Looks like she inherited, thankfully, my ability to sleep...

Halloween was fun... we walked around with family, like always, but I ended up pushing the stroller most of the time... My neighbor said they had over 450 kids, every parking lot I saw was full... they shut the roads off, so the kids/parents have full reign of town for an hour... lots of imports from other towns/etc... In many places I could barely push the stroller because of the hoards of people in the street... But at least we got to show off Mini-OSU to our neighbors and some of my old neighbors (I grew up about a 1/4 mile from where I live now)...

wow, we had maybe 30-40 kids over 2 days. way less than last yr. I ran out of treats last year, this yr we got hung with almost half the least they are pretzels so a somewhat healthier snack for us.

we had at best 20-30 beggars. I bought two bags of ~100 pieces of "fun-size" candy and my wife and I ended up bringing most of it to work for the vultures.

Baby ElCid turns one next week! She has seven teeth already too. She knocked over a little boy at the Y for taking her froggie friend. Maybe I wont' need the 12 gauge after all......
Aww I love it!

Junior was upset that she didn't have a jackolantern for Halloween, so we picked up a pumpkin and I carved one with her. She was hesitant at first, then embraced the "guts". The second one was her practicing monster faces for Halloween.

I have no idea why, but uploading to EB completely flushed out all the color in the second photo. Weird.

^^ Are you speaking of my neighborhood? LOL

could barely walk through the street.

maybe lol Barrackville tends to be the "safe" neighborhood for everyone to come to... town of ~2000, turns into a town of about ~4000 on Halloween...

I'm in Bridgeport, and they fill up the church's and bank's parking lots and come in. We (neighbors) refer to it as "They are in the lots STAGING". But, the kids that live out in rural areas and don't have a neighborhood to trick or treat in, I don't mind a bit if they come. Hope it makes a good memory for them.

^^ Are you speaking of my neighborhood? LOL

could barely walk through the street.

maybe lol Barrackville tends to be the "safe" neighborhood for everyone to come to... town of ~2000, turns into a town of about ~4000 on Halloween...

I'm in Bridgeport, and they fill up the church's and bank's parking lots and come in. We (neighbors) refer to it as "They are in the lots STAGING". But, the kids that live out in rural areas and don't have a neighborhood to trick or treat in, I don't mind a bit if they come. Hope it makes a good memory for them.
Same here... I don't mind it a bit... as far as I know there's never been vandalism,etc... so it's encouraged

Junior was upset that she didn't have a jackolantern for Halloween, so we picked up a pumpkin and I carved one with her. She was hesitant at first, then embraced the "guts". The second one was her practicing monster faces for Halloween.
You do realize that by posting in here, you are claiming junior as your kid, right? Something you want to tell us, Supe?

BTW, sh'es cute. Good job helping her with the jack-o-lantern.

Mini-ble is a trip. He will now drink from his sippy cup and when he's done he will let out a big "Ahhhhhhhhh!" just like dad does when he drinks his beer! He also has a temper. He's always been a screamer and now he screams whenever he is told no. The other night he was in the bathtub and he slipped and almost fell face first into the water. He proceeded to scream and smack the water like crazy. It was all I could do to not bust out laughing.

He's also extremely sweet. He loves giving kisses and will follow his older cousins around trying to kiss them. He's a mess!

Junior was upset that she didn't have a jackolantern for Halloween, so we picked up a pumpkin and I carved one with her. She was hesitant at first, then embraced the "guts". The second one was her practicing monster faces for Halloween.
You do realize that by posting in here, you are claiming junior as your kid, right? Something you want to tell us, Supe?

BTW, sh'es cute. Good job helping her with the jack-o-lantern.
I figure if I claim her here, I can do so on my taxes!
