Kids of EB

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If my son said that I would probably be laughing on the inside, but wouldn't be able to show it on the outside.

That is the hardest part sometimes...not laughing
Yep. It's really hard to get the point across that you're not happy about what they did when you're fighting back the giggles...

The only issue we've been facing with our kids as they're getting older is the fact that they've learned a rather extensive adult language (Mrs Dex and I didn't watch what we were saying and knew it would lead to this), and they have also started picking up our short fuses. A couple weeks ago I told my son he couldn't have a snack before bed, so he turned and yelled "well then, F*ck this" as he ran back upstairs. Kid got his ass whooped for that one, and gets video game privledges returned at the end of the month.

This brings up an interresting topic. My bestie growing up was my neighbor and he had two younger brothers by 2 and 4 yrs. We used pick on them pretty bad, and they always cussed off right in front of their parents, in their family it wasn't frowned on, but I never ever heard one of them say anything bad at school. So is it possible to teach kids appropriate language control (like adults use) where there's the right time and place... ie. away from work/school etc. to use offensive language? I would f*ing love to laugh at my kid when they drop the f-bomb at their mother or tell me to piss off. In my mind words are just words, just use them in the right company.

I couldn't see myself allowing my kids to curse in the house, especially as kids. When you start to get into high school things change a bit, but as kids I think that it's best to not allow it. The mrs. and I do a pretty good job not cursing too much around the kiddos, but the one problem word is sh!t. I heard that word my whole life from my grandparents and my mom and it was the first cuss word in English that my wife learned too. It was so common from my grandmother that it was just another word, but that doesn't make it right to say around my kids. We're just lucky mini-ble1 hasn't started repeating it yet.

I can see how there would be different opinions on this matter due to how people think about curse words, but I can definitely say that my kid cursing either me or my wife out would not go over well at all in my house. I speak like that sometimes around guy friends when we're goofing off, but I've never spoken like that to anyone in my family and I wouldn't let my kids speak like that either, even as a joke.

I'm no stranger to cuss words and use the f-bomb far too often. My wife rarely cusses. Even now when my kids are older I don't like when they swear at me when they get heated up. It really irks my wife when they sass her and she kinda blames me for it because I can be "colorful" at times. I have to remind them that it's very disrespectful to talk to their mother that way.

"Doesn't allowing kids to curse encourage them to be lazy about diction instead of trying to find the right words to express their feelings and sh!t?"

Despite the obvious tongue-in-cheek humor here, YMZ is spot on IMO. Using cuss words commonly can make an intelligent person come off as a dope, and allowing kids to incorporate cussing into their daily speech should be avoided. pbrme: the answer is even if it is possible, a parent shouldn't even go there.

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we have this discussion a lot, Im fairly foul mouthed when i get upset, comes from the military, but I can and do turn it off at home 80% of the time.., the wife is a sleep deprived night shift nurse that has no sensor and my kids have been exposed to the type of filth usually reserved for sailors during combat...

so my youngest (who has the only pure heart in our household) created the "swear jar" for use around the house and then one day i overheard my 13 year old tell him ' Hey wait till you get to middle school because mom doesnt have anything on the types of words we hear there"

also reminds me of the Will Ferrel lMovie about the election, when they would tell their kids to put on headphones while they were fighting and the music was "ass and *******, ass and *******" ...


Every time I see the title to this thread, The Kids from C.A.P.E.R. theme song runs through my head.

"We're the kids, we're the kids..."

Too funny the other day I had called upstairs to ask mr snick a question and i used his name to get his attention...the rest of the day minisnick was calling mr snick by his name instead of dad.

we have this discussion a lot, Im fairly foul mouthed when i get upset, comes from the military, but I can and do turn it off at home 80% of the time.., the wife is a sleep deprived night shift nurse that has no sensor and my kids have been exposed to the type of filth usually reserved for sailors during combat...

so my youngest (who has the only pure heart in our household) created the "swear jar" for use around the house and then one day i overheard my 13 year old tell him ' Hey wait till you get to middle school because mom doesnt have anything on the types of words we hear there"

also reminds me of the Will Ferrel lMovie about the election, when they would tell their kids to put on headphones while they were fighting and the music was "ass and *******, ass and *******" ...

Me and my wife are the same. I work construction which means no-one has a filter when we talk, and my wife is also a night-shift nurse. Combine the language with the fact that we're both raging smart-***** and can't say anything without some sort of sarcasm, my kids are going to going to end up teaching the other kids at school all that stuff Mini RG says they hear in middle school.

I've thought about trying to implement a swear jar, but the problem is that I would never be able to carry enough cash to stay current with my mouth...

These are a lot of good points! I hadn't considered the diction end. Even though I'd get a laugh out of it at first, it would get old if they were being disrespectful. Geez, seems like parenting is a lot of learning.

I have a funny story to tell. It's kind of a Tarantino, so stay with me.

As I was away for buisness last week, the wife caught a touch of the Noro that was going around, was pissing out of every orifice, and generally hating life. Mid-week, our garage cat Jack went over to one of the neighbors and bit their weird little 4yr old boy (supposedly, no one saw). Jack's a little tempramental at times and does not like to be horsed with, but only acts out if provoked. My wife, the FNP, said she'd pay for the hospital co-pay and the antibiotics as she felt like it was our fault. She was a little worked up about this and didn't know what we were going to have to do... find Jack a new home, move... yada..

This is where it gets bad. The day I was comming home, my sister's dog Gyp had emergency surgery to remove a nerf ball that was lodged in her intestine. She asked if we could watch Gyp for the weekend as she was going on vacation, to which the wife obliged. Gyp needed to stay relatively calm and needed constant monitoring in her fragile state. Lilly, our sweetheart inside cat, goes insane when things change around the house, and flipped out when Gyp (fresh out of surgery) just started settling into our house. Chased the dog all over the house, attacking like a tasmanian devil, dog shitting and pissing all over. Wife intervened and was promptly bitten by Lilly, pretty badly on her left hand. After that storm, she called me crying and went to the doctor for antibiotics. I get home and the house smelled like old folks home depends leakage, calmed the wife down... etc. and we talked about the Jack situation.

Those neighbors act a little strange (like misplaced aliens), and their kids are like aliens when they come over to visit. We decided we'd try to install an electric perimeter fence to try to keep Jack from biting those little f*ckers again. Over the weekend we bought the fence kit and proceeded to bury/run the wire. I gave the wife instructions on how to use wire ties and snippers and went to the garage for a beer. As I made the can crack sound, I hear the longest loudest F*bomb I've ever heard from my wife. I come out of the garage and see her getting up off the lawn and in the background the alien neighbor dad is standing there mouth open, holding the ears of the wierd 4yr old. I spit beer out, holding back tears of laughter as the wife comes running up holding something her hand. Shows me this big peice of rusted metal and a cut she got from it on her hand as she was shuffling around the yard. A couple more F*bombs, mixed with something relating to tetanus shots, and she finally says "F*-it, I'm so over this week". I ask her if she needs to go get a shot as It's been over 7 yrs, she says "F*-it, I know what the symptom signs are ... F*-it." Poor wife, when it rains....

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^^^ Buy that poor woman a nice dinner and some flowers.

But otherwise, ROFL!!!

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pbrme: sounds like a good time to offer her, the "oral protein" cure.

That noro virus is no joke. Junior had it and was puking for days. The GF had it coming out of both ends. I have avoided the puke so far, but have been on the throne so much for the past 2.5 days, I'm amazed I don't look like Christian Bale in "The Machinist" yet.

MA, she probably would have given me the ol' cosby sweater just thinking about it. She couldn't eat anything of substance until this last monday. Fortunately for me, I haven't been effected yet. *knocks on wood*

i don't want to jinx him, but Minisnick has been wearing big boy underwear for the past 3 days all day, except for nap and bed, and has had no accidents. He gets so excited when he can stand to pee like daddy. Apparently he started standing to pee yesterday at daycare and being so proud of himself he would go around telling everyone he pees like his daddy.

although I haven't taken him out to the store with underwear instead of pull up quite yet...I'm not that brave yet

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Hilarious...potty training is teaching minisnick math

He knows going pee = 1 jelly bean and poo = 2 jelly beans

apparently this week he has been accurately keeping account of the number of jelly beans owed to him each morning when the main daytime lady at daycare get there...who has the jelly beans
