Kids of EB

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Peer pressure. Our kid wasn't potty trained until there was peer pressure at day care. We used it to our advantage and didn't have accidents at home. Plus at home they get you new clothes, while at day care you have to wear the beater clothes.

^he has 2 sets of spare clothes at daycare for accidents...had to use the beater clothes once when he went through both sets one time and he rashed out due to the detergent they used. The blankets aren't as bad since there is a layer of clothes btwn.

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^^ That reminds me that I need to have some spare clothes for mini-kevo at daycare!!

Kinds of hilarious as it shows how tiny minisnicks waist is, but one day when they ran out of his stash of diapers when he was about 2 yrs old, they had put a size 1 diaper on him and it fit...a little short but fully functional.

I don't think either of my kids ever fit within a size 1 diaper...

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brief HA minisnick was still in newborn size at 3 months...if it wasn't for the umbilical cord cut out he could have worn them longer

mudpuppy and's another reason not to have kids...

Since we'll have an appropriately sized baby this Halloween, I really wanted our family theme costume to be the zombie family from Dead Alive. But Mini YMZ insists she wants to be a butterfly, so it's a no on zombies. :(

I don't know if we'll have a family theme this year centered on her butterfly costume. If we decide to be a bug family, it looks like my only store-bought options are Slutty Bee or Slutty Ladybug, neither of which appeals to me.

Total bummer on the zombie idea. That sounded awesome. Have you considered bribing Mini YMZ with candy and/or toys if she agrees to the costume idea?

it looks like my only store-bought options are Slutty Bee or Slutty Ladybug, neither of which appeals to me.
Is there anything we can say to persuade you? ;)

Are you implying Honey Bee busts a honey nut cheerio on my potential Halloween costume?

COME ON csb, this is the Kids thread! Keep it clean!

Last edited by a moderator: hard not to laugh. When we got home yesterday minisnick decided to kneel at the edge of the front porch, which is about 1.5ft off the ground, and try to grab the dried leaves on the hosta plant below. I told him not to lean that far or else he will fall off, he gives me that yeah whatever mom look and I turn to unlock the front door. Just as I turn around to look at him over he goes face first into the dirt. I think he was shocked because I had to hop down and pick him up. He had a streak of dirt from forehead to chin and in his mouth. Just glad he face planted into the hosta and not the yucca.

My high schooler and his friends have been complaining about this since school started this year.


With some of the workouts that the athletes are doing, they really do need more calories. I pack my kid's lunch, though, and feed him when he gets home before dinner...but, he is also 6'2" and 155lbs.

^Heard on the radio yesterday that prisoners in IL get more nutrious and better food than our schools provide to the kids....for less $$ too.

Their idea of increased nutrition is to reduce the number of chicken nuggets that they get from 6 to 3. Why not reduce the calories by giving them grilled chicken instead of mystery meat nuggets? Serve non-fat milk, whatever. I think maybe the food service vendors who replaced the lunch ladies from when I was a kid don't know what good nutrition is either.

Kids are at school 5 days a week and eat 1 meal/day there. That's 5/21 or 24% of their weekly meals, which would not feine their eating habits or assure proper nutrition. Addiitonally, I'm not aware of any restrictions on what a kid can bring for his own lunch. IMHO, this isn't about health it's about control and public relations. The government is controlling the food that is provided by the public systems and needs to be able to say "you can't blame us because the kid's are out of shape".

Enviro: Your suggestions about grilled chicken vs processed "mystery meat" are easily addressed by budget woes. Ain't gonna happen.
