Kids of EB

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^ Main point is, I'm 27 and you're old.

*Edit* Not the rest of you, just knightfox.

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I just turned 40 and my son turned 3 the next day. I quit my job 2 months after he was born (in a terrible economy) to take care of him since my wife had the better benefits and longer commitment to employer. I studied for nearly 6 months while he was just tiny and got my PE results 3 days before he turned 1. It was easy to study when he was so little. Trying that when he was 2 would have killed me.

It's true, kids do tire you out. But I wouldn't trade it. Mrs. CDC and I promised we wouldn't change our lifestyle when he arrived, but that turned out to be a lie. When considering an outing or camping trip I think it would just be easier to stay home. And naps are a good hobby now. The dog doesn't get 5 hikes a week anymore because Mini CDC is too big for a back-pack and too small for a real hike. We do camp a bit still, but not nearly as much Skiing adventures have shrunken to 2 hours maybe once or twice a week and last year that was a lot less because of work and remodeling. But again, fatherhood is worth it. In some ways I wish I had a family when I was younger, but I was even more immature than I am now. And as for being too old once I get my free time back. I wouldn't trade that. I had a ton of fun in my 20's when most of my peers were focusing on their careers. Yeah, I could've earned more money at that time, but I would've pissed it away since I was young and dumb. I would rather live while I was young and retire old because too may times people die after retirement anyway. they never get to really live.

There's a fine line: When you're young you have time and no money and when you're older you have money and no time, find the sweet spot and live it up.

Kids add another chapter to your life. It's like starting a whole new life and it's great. But having said that, I do think you can be somewhat prepared to have kids. So I have to disagree with MA's comment there (and thoughts on having kids in your late 30's).

I don't have any kids obviously but after having grown up with 5 siblings here's my .02. Quality over quantity. I believe that if you have a kid, you really have to be prepared to dedicate the time and effort towards each individual child somewhat equally. In my mind, this is impossible if you're pumping out kids like you're a factory. My youngest brother is 12 years younger than me and I feel like I barely know him. He went to kindergarten and I went off to my freshman year of college. That being said, I'm still pretty close with the rest of my siblings (minus my ex roommate sister). I think the closer in age the kids are, the easier it will be for them to relate to one another and form a close bond. My opinions from my personal experience.

I always thought I'd have a kid or two but I'm not sure anymore. Idk if I want to have kids in my late 30s or 40s.

hahahahah Breakfast club. Man i love the 80s. Just listening to the "rockstar" soundtrack.... STEEL DRAGON BABY! Office thinks im nuts.

Idk if I want to have kids in my late 30s or 40s.
Your 30's & 40's are the new 20's & 30's dontcha know? Hell my 20's was my decade of decadence - while my married friends fired off kid after kid & squabbled & scraped by with their spouses, I was having a blast. So now, these friends's kids are graduating high school as mine are entering 1st & 2nd grade. They'll have their moment of time to party like rock stars...problem being they'll be 40-something rock stars likely to become grandparents before their 50's Lol. Point being, it really isn't so terrifying having kids later in life.

trying to get a splinter out of the palm of a 2.5 yr old is a PITA. Looks like it had been there most of the day, since it was all red ans swollen already. We think we got it all out...but not without a lot of screaming, kicking, squirming, flailing.

my mom used white bread soaked with milk. wrapped it over the spliter area and a couple hrs later it was at the surface to be easily plucked out with tweezers.

Going camping with Mini YMZ and Baby YMZ in about a month. Any tips on what gear to bring specifically for the kids (potty trained 2 yr old and 9 month old in diapers)?

When we camped w/ the kids at earlier ages, a large nylon tarp was invaluable for giving them a clean play area on the ground for them to use / keep toys on...keeping them on it is another story.

Going camping with Mini YMZ and Baby YMZ in about a month. Any tips on what gear to bring specifically for the kids (potty trained 2 yr old and 9 month old in diapers)?
sunscreen, bug repellant, and mosquito netting for the baby.

took minisnick bowling last night for the first time. He and I took turns....still managed to break 100 both games. Those ramps for kids are nice, just set it up to be inline with the pin and let the kid push...

went to the drive inn saturday night...the whole drive there minisnick was chanting movie night, movie night. Once he saw the enterance to drive inn his chanting volume jumped a few decibles and he started bouncing in his carseat...never seen someone get so excited about going to see a movie. especially when they will fall asleep before the first movie is even half over.
