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We converted the crib to toddler bed a few weeks ago, but we then had to rock minisnick to sleep then put him down because he enjoyed his new found freedom. Last night was night 2 trying to get him to go lay down wide awake and go to sleep on his own. First night took about 10 minutes with me sitting next to his bed on the floor. Last night was about 5 minutes. Hopefully this trend continues!!! I was expecting much more resistance.

We're about to move mini-ble into his big-boy bed tonight. We bought a twin bed and we have a bed rail that goes underneath the mattress to keep him from falling out. Hopefully he does well.

good luck!! wishing you a smooth transition!!!!!!!! mattress directly on the floor or on a frame? a friend went from crib to twin and the first night their daughter ended up under the bed some how and woke up screaming...the mattress is now on the floor.

$199 for the bed and $199 for the mattress.

There are bed plans online that have a lofted twin bed with stairs on the side and walls underneath with a doorway. It's basically a playhouse with a bed on top, and MIAF wants me to build it. I'd much rather slap a couple plywood panels on that thing and call it a day!

Mini-ble has been in his big boy bed for 6 nights now. He has done great! We have the bed pushed up against the wall in two corners and have a bed rail on the other side and we haven't had any issues at all. Mrs. ble and I are still amazed that he's already out of the crib, but we wanted to move him before mini-ble2 comes in July so he doesn't have any jealousy issues over her getting his crib.

Also, he has started asking to go to the bathroom for #2. Now he'll say "poo-poo potty". We actually bought some pull-ups this weekend because he's been asking mrs. ble to go to the bathroom when he needs to pee too, so maybe they will help. Fingers crossed.

minisnick has started attempting to jump. He managed to get a little air this weekend, only like a half inch but still air. He looks so funny when he tries...deep bend at the knees then up, but goes no where. I think he got a skip in there one time while trying.

My oldest graduates Kindergarten tonight. It's scary how fast these guys grow.
