I'm not sure how many more times I can tell minisnick to make sure you watch for people before you swing the bat at tball practice with a straight face. He has managed to hit kids at the last two practices. I see him look, then these younger kids just walk into his swing. The baseball league really isn't enforcing the age limits they create....but that is another rant all together. It is getting to the point that I don't give a F anymore. The other kids parents need to be teaching/reminding not to walk infront of someone holding a metal bat!!!!!
When I was 10 or 11 years old, I went to a five day golf camp with a few friends at the beach back in CT. The $6/hr teenage instructors emphasized the importance of "everyone stay put until EVERYONE is done" while standing at the driving range.
This was Monday at the camp.
Sure enough, as I wound up my back swing, I felt a thud. I caught the kid right in the temple with the curved end of the driver head. I looked at him, he looked at me; he began sobbing instantly as the blood started pouring from his head like a horror movie.
The instructors panicked, and their intense medical training kicked in as they held two or three single ply napkins up to the gaping wound in his head. While this may come as a surprise, their first aid attempt was largely unsuccessful.
By the time EMS arrived, the kid was passed out and white as a ghost. I felt bad at the time, and the kids parents called my parents to assure that it was his own stupid fault, and that he ended up with a "considerable" number of stitches in the side of his head.
He returned to camp on Friday. I do suspect that I must have clocked him pretty hard, because my last memory of camp is him sprawled out on the putting practice green, using the putter like a pool cue to shoot practice balls into the cup.
That said - I'm with you. It is not your responsibility as a parent to the offset the stupidity of another parent's precious little Darwin Award winner.