Kids of EB

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If you're like me and spend $200 a week on groceries to feed three Teenagers i suggest you try this little recipe, very economical as squirrels are abundant

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I just had to scroll up to figure out what thread I'm in.

I actually was thinking as I read through and got wondering about udder hygiene (we used to use an iodine based solution for pre-milking), but I looked it up and apparently there are "organic acceptable" products on the market. That makes me wonder that with all the studies that have been done regarding iodine residues in the final product, how much testing has been done with the alternatives.

I know a lot of good farms can't make the transition to organic because of the cost associated, so I just try to support the local farmers

oh and did you know that livestock only has to be in an organic environment for one year prior to entering the organic production system? So that doesn't mean that the cow was antibiotic free and free range or whatever for it's whole life.

and KF, I'm sure you have never had unpasteurized milk right from the cow, that's a piece of heaven

Sunday she went to bed at 8:30 and slept until midnight or so, normal wake up for feeding, then she was waking up every hr. It didn't take much to get her back down. Just a quick hug and a putting the pacifier back in her mouth. No real uncontrollably crying. last night started the same, but then every 2 hrs. I noticed the white in her gums this morning so it must have started on sunday night. no fever, no butt rash, no crazy crying...nothing like her brother teething. hopefully her teething experience stays this way

I have f*cking had it with Junior's school system. She is in third grade this year, and they have not taught them even the most FUNDAMENTAL geography, history, etc. As in, they were never taught what cities/states/countries/continents were. Are you F*CKING SERIOUS? Every night now, she is watching a combination of kids documentaries on the United States, coupled with episodes of "Liberty's Kids" which is a ****** animated cartoon that starts just prior to the Boston Tea Party and appears to target major US historical events.

I have zero f*cking hope for the future of this planet. Seriously.

Do you have a choice to send Junior somewhere else? Her school sounds pretty awful based on what you described.

Looking into it, but don't think we have an option without moving. Given that they follow a cookie cutter curriculum for the county, I suspect NONE of the schools in the district do it either. The day she comes home with an explanation about how "the south will rise again", we're moving.
