Kids of EB

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so my older son had been saving up some money and with his birthday $ he received he bought the new $300 something dollar Go Pro 4.. I was like, that will be nice to have while skiing.. to which he replied "yeah I will use it for skiing but I really bought it so I could record our percussion (band practices)" :facepalm

so my older son had been saving up some money and with his birthday $ he received he bought the new $300 something dollar Go Pro 4.. I was like, that will be nice to have while skiing.. to which he replied "yeah I will use it for skiing but I really bought it so I could record our percussion (band practices)" :facepalm
Well, if that's what he wants to do.

I hate this school year already, and it hasn't started.

My oldest is going back into school, from being in a full time ABA clinic (she's autistic) for the past year and a half. I have no idea what grade they will put her in, and neither does the school. They wouldn't let me register her until last Thursday, so now it's a mad dash to figure it all out. Fun last minute school supply shopping when it's all figured out....stressful!

Just received neuropsychological evaluation on my youngest...she is ADHD. She is repeating kindergarten, even though her fluid reasoning testing came back at 7yr 3mo level, when she was tested at 5yrs 11mo age. She is normal or above average everywhere else, except on academics. Repeating because she has difficult learning due to the ADHD. Pedi won't put her on meds, and referred us to a psychiatrist. Psychologist states she needs to be on meds to focus and learn. Concern that if she does get on meds, she will be super board in K, but school refuses to put her in 1st grade. This is my kid that has been playing MMORPG's since she was 4, among doing other things more advanced than kids her age.
The school sounds pretty rigid - bleh. Is there a possibility of transferring to another school in your district that allows a bit more flexibility for your kids, given their unique circumstances?

Read that as DOTT 2 championship :(


I hate this school year already, and it hasn't started.

My oldest is going back into school, from being in a full time ABA clinic (she's autistic) for the past year and a half. I have no idea what grade they will put her in, and neither does the school. They wouldn't let me register her until last Thursday, so now it's a mad dash to figure it all out. Fun last minute school supply shopping when it's all figured out....stressful!

Just received neuropsychological evaluation on my youngest...she is ADHD. She is repeating kindergarten, even though her fluid reasoning testing came back at 7yr 3mo level, when she was tested at 5yrs 11mo age. She is normal or above average everywhere else, except on academics. Repeating because she has difficult learning due to the ADHD. Pedi won't put her on meds, and referred us to a psychiatrist. Psychologist states she needs to be on meds to focus and learn. Concern that if she does get on meds, she will be super board in K, but school refuses to put her in 1st grade. This is my kid that has been playing MMORPG's since she was 4, among doing other things more advanced than kids her age.
We went through something similar with my oldest son, we just didn't have the energy to fight it at the time (3 kids total all younger than him) but we let the school talk us into him re-doing kindergarten (he also was a mid august bday) We have for the most part regretted that decision for a long time. He is also ADD and was extremely bored through 2nd Kindergarten and half of 1st grade. You really have to take the fight to the principal and higher ups and not deal with anyone else (teachers and specialist) unless they have test scores that show reason to hold back I don't think they can really win..

I hate this school year already, and it hasn't started.

My oldest is going back into school, from being in a full time ABA clinic (she's autistic) for the past year and a half. I have no idea what grade they will put her in, and neither does the school. They wouldn't let me register her until last Thursday, so now it's a mad dash to figure it all out. Fun last minute school supply shopping when it's all figured out....stressful!

Just received neuropsychological evaluation on my youngest...she is ADHD. She is repeating kindergarten, even though her fluid reasoning testing came back at 7yr 3mo level, when she was tested at 5yrs 11mo age. She is normal or above average everywhere else, except on academics. Repeating because she has difficult learning due to the ADHD. Pedi won't put her on meds, and referred us to a psychiatrist. Psychologist states she needs to be on meds to focus and learn. Concern that if she does get on meds, she will be super board in K, but school refuses to put her in 1st grade. This is my kid that has been playing MMORPG's since she was 4, among doing other things more advanced than kids her age.
We went through something similar with my oldest son, we just didn't have the energy to fight it at the time (3 kids total all younger than him) but we let the school talk us into him re-doing kindergarten (he also was a mid august bday) We have for the most part regretted that decision for a long time. He is also ADD and was extremely bored through 2nd Kindergarten and half of 1st grade. You really have to take the fight to the principal and higher ups and not deal with anyone else (teachers and specialist) unless they have test scores that show reason to hold back I don't think they can really win..
Good to know, as everyone keeps saying it wouldn't hurt for her to repeat.

And no, small other options (not even private).

Repeat K might be in mini's future. We'll see how it goes this year. I see no real harm repeating K.

Lighter: his friend had a poo accident. Mini p-e said: she got brown on her china.. I let that one go.

Whenever the two of us have that discussion, I remind her about how she's finally making an income, and all that traveling, etc. she wants to do is gone forever if she has a second one. Especially considering she would be in her 50's by the time #2 graduated high school (yes, I know 50's isn't OLD, but it'll be a miracle if I make it that long). That usually takes care of it.

Whenever the two of us have that discussion, I remind her about how she's finally making an income, and all that traveling beer drinking, etc. she wants to do is gone forever for a long ass time if she has a second third and fourth one. Especially considering she Mr. YMZ would be in her 50's his 60's by the time #4 graduated high school. That usually takes care of it.

Fixt quote will be going on my fridge. Thanks supe.

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Two is the perfect number

<- father of three

If you have more than two almost every decision you make regarding housing, vehicle, even vacations, gets more and more difficult

That being said, my third kid is probably the one most like me, and the one I'll probably be going out drinking with in my old age down the road.

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