JR...I found your "Dear Margo" letter...

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
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DEAR MARGO: I am a 40-year-old man who has been in and out of therapy since seventh grade. I was even admitted into psychiatric care on two separate occasions by my attending physician. Over the years, I have lived life recklessly and have done many things I'm not proud of -- even some illegal activities. But for the past four years, with two therapists, I have made great strides in my life and feel as if I am really coming into my own. So here's the catch: I've met the umpteenth "most wonderful woman in the world." This time, though, I feel I really, truly have the tools to make it happen -- "it" being a fun, love-filled, committed relationship for the rest of our lives. Or so I thought until I slipped up this weekend while driving through the old neighborhood and reconnecting with one of my lady-of-the-night friends. Mind you, that particular temptation always haunts me, but I'd been able to tell that inclination to take a hike for quite a while, but this weekend I slipped. I honestly don't feel guilty about it as this wonderful woman and I have yet to become intimate. I am certain that once I am in full "relationship mode" I won't have that problem anymore. I want to be in love, have a home and be a loving family man. I'm just terrified of giving in to the groin again. How do I fix that? It's not a sexual addiction, I believe, because I am functioning and paying my bills and all of that, and my porn collection doesn't get as much use as it used to -- though, I constantly add to it. I'm a collector by nature. So what is it?


DEAR PERP: I'm not so sure you don't feel guilty about your recent exploit in the 'hood. I also question why you fear "giving into the groin again" but dismiss the possibility you might be a sex addict. The fact that you can function and pay your bills is quite beside the point. There have been some famous rich guys, self-admitted sex addicts, who could certainly pay their bills. (I will do them the courtesy of not mentioning their names.) Because you have two therapists -- one more than "normal" neurotics -- I think one or both of them could help you deal with this problem. And you might consider collecting butterflies.


Margo margo margo - Some would say that this troubled man (JR) is doing just that: collecting butterflies.

poor analogy Margo

That completely rocks csb !!! :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:

I am pleading the fifth on this one! :rolleyes:

Margo margo margo - Some would say that this troubled man (JR) is doing just that: collecting butterflies.poor analogy Margo
Thank you for the support brotha EM!! :)

