It's Monday :-(

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Holy crap I'm having a hard time finding any motivation for today. Does anyone have the winning lottery numbers for this week that they would like to share with me?

I had a massive setback at 9:15. I thought it was close to eleven, then looked at my watch.


After this weekend's race, I am dragging some serious ass today. I'm going to pass the F out the second I walk through the door tonight.

This has been one of those days that makes you want to quit and move to some tropical locale and open up a tiki bar. How the hell is it not 5 yet? :brickwall:

This has been one of those days that makes you want to quit and move to some tropical locale and open up a tiki bar. How the hell is it not 5 yet? :brickwall:

I know the feeling. But it is closer to 5 now than it was at 11:26 this morning. Hang in there.

getting back to the office after a week long vacation makes monday even worse. the inbox is overflowing...

Naturally, both of my bosses are on vacation, and everyone is trying to cram shit in before the Holiday, so I'm getting hammered like a prison bitch right now.

This has got to be one of my worst Monday's in recent memory.

Dropped the wife's Jeep off at the shop to see why it has been whining since they "fixed" the rear differential after we got back from vacation. Turns out they only replaced a gasket and fluid (wrong type, no less), and failed to mention the fact that the rear bearings were failing. Because they used the wrong fluid, it accelerated the bearing failure, and the whining is because the rear wheels are no longer providing power (it's an all-wheel drive vehicle). To fix their mistake: $1000. After a rather extended and heated phone conversation, they dropped the price to $675. Still pisses me off because they assured me that they had fixed it a month ago.

Have 5 change orders for my previous project negotiated, drafted, and out for signature. All was fine and dandy until today when the legal review says they need the management team to sit down for a meeting to discuss these, dispite the fact that they said we no longer need these management team reviews. It's hard enough to herd these cats, I don't need someone cutting holes in the fence while I'm doing it.

One of the managers from my previous project is getting pissy because I'm not keeping my files at my old desk. "Well, our internal policy is blah, blah, blah". So I'm supposed to keep 20+ folders current at YOUR office despite the fact that I have strict direction to be at my new office full-time? It's no big deal, we're only on the literal opposite sides of Denver, I'll spend 2 hours of my day JUST DRIVING so you can have the up-to-date files at your office. We must also forget the fact that ALL OF THE FILES ARE ONLINE and accessible from any internal computer. Brilliant idea.

And now we're going through an internal audit on my new project, only to find out that we're not following the literal internal policies. Everything is being addressed and we're meeting all of our contractural obligations, but we're not using the proper forms (we're using updated stream-lined forms). This is all internal, for our use, not part of the official project record.

