It's Monday :-(

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^^^ I think Capt is still cranky for needing to put the slice of pizza down...
I wasn't the guy he told it to, but I was there when it happened.

Previously, the same waste of skin had made it a point to tell me that I wasn't included. I told him, no worries, I had a lunch packed and usually didn't eat pizza for lunch anyone so it was cool. I didn't realize he was trying to needle me, so I was sorta confused when he got cheesed off about it.

Of course he was British and knew how superior he was. He made sure everyone knew it.

So I get into my office, turn the lights on, set down what stuff I brought... and realized I forgot my computer at home. &)$# ME.

Pick my stuff back up and do the 41 mile, 1+ hour shuffle to pick it up. This'll be a great week I can tell.

So I get into my office, turn the lights on, set down what stuff I brought... and realized I forgot my computer at home. &)$# ME.

Pick my stuff back up and do the 41 mile, 1+ hour shuffle to pick it up. This'll be a great week I can tell.
I hear ya on that one, similar situation. Only I forgot my backpack that has my homework (masters) in it which needs to be submitted today. :brickwall:

Well, it is Monday again.


sux. too much work. not enough motivation or coffee. this is going to be a long week.

All I'm looking forward to this week is that I'll have the parts needed to make my wing mounts for the racecar waiting on my doorstep when I get home tonight.

The coffee here is so bad, that the peppermint patty and heath bar creamers I bought to try to mask the flavor don't work. Now it just tastes like candy and gym socks.

Spent the better part of today looking at suspension parts for the Camaro. No motivation to actually be productive today.

Speaking of parts - my 4130 strut pieces came in today! Time to head out to the garage and get to it.

don't want to be productive at all... Was already at work when I get a text stating that the water pump was making strange noises and wouldn't shut off. Drove home to find it vaporlocked... Now to figure out where I have an air leak in the system; unless the pressure tank bladder went out again...

Ohhhh...Here we go again, F()ck U Monday!


Going to be another long week at the office, I can already see it.

Last minute deadlines = dragon boating the people of walmart. :angry:
