It's Monday :-(

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My power is going to be out until the weekend. Any more jokes and I reserve the right to set this board on fire.
We used to lose power fairly regularly, but not for long periods (usually less than a day, but could be a couple days during ice storms). The funny thing is how quick we adapted to not having it. The house didn't have AC, so the only real issue was food in the fridge staying cold, and having to get water from the spring house.

One time when we lost power during an ice storm, we just all bundled up and stayed in a room with a fireplace. We were reminded that the place where I group up didn't have electricity until 1935, and even then people resisted it until the fifties.

At least you have power at work, and the temps are moderate. It could be much worse.

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As anticipated, this has been a craptastic Monday, though I was met with less malevolence during my first meeting of the day than expected.

Supe, I just came through the Charlotte airport on my way to Lynchburg, VA. Thought I would throw that out there. lol

Yes. High school football practice. Pee Wee football practice. And dinner at 9:30pm. Gotta love Texas' one and only sport...

(Well, there are two really, football, and spring football.)

Supe, I just came through the Charlotte airport on my way to Lynchburg, VA. Thought I would throw that out there. lol
I was near Lynchburg the weekend before last for the GF's brother's wedding. My boss' son also lives in Lynchburg.

Supe, I just came through the Charlotte airport on my way to Lynchburg, VA. Thought I would throw that out there. lol
I like the Charlotte airport. They have rocking chairs and a guy that plays the piano at the food court.

It's Monday in August which means FOOTBALL!!!
Yes, and it consists of:

1. Players you hope you never see forced into action because it means your pro-bowl QB or lockdown corner is in traction, much like you team's Super Bowl hopes at that point, or

2. Guys battling for the practice squad in hopes of maybe being activated as the 4th string gunner one week, or

3. A bunch of guys who will be driving a dump truck or working at the docks by next week.

I watched a bit of that game since I was curious to see some of the Pats draft picks and position battles. But Ryan Mallett to Alex Silvestro for a TD doesn't exactly bake my noodle.

Try gassing up your car while it sits on "E" when everyone is going ape sh*t about a stupid rain storm coming your way. :blowup:

Indeed it has. $3.59 to $3.69 overnight. Sure, it's not hurricane related. It's just coincidence. :jerkit:

only a 10 cent jump!!!!!! good golly, wed/thurs jumps around here are on the order 20-30 cents on a regular occurance
