Dark Knight
Silent Guardian
I am the only one of my group working today. Funny thing is that there are supposed to be no less than 7 more working. Maybe I missed the Memo?
I will be thrilled to get this class over with. Not only is it simple for someone with a technical background, but I haven't had a break from class since Labor Day of last year. The 7 weeks of downtime will be nice.yeah and boo!!!!
Sounds like a real 'stiff' grader to me.I hated my formal stats class...but that probably had more to do with the prof and TA. THe prof, shirt unbuttoned hairy chest bling wearing real italian guido, related all examples to viagra the TA everythign was to baseball.
I'm just happy this isn't a touchy feely course like most of the MBA stuff I've taken to far. I don't have to write a 10 page paper about why the standard deviation makes me sad.I liked my stats class. It wasn't that easy, but everyone else was so overwhelmingly stupid, I had ridiculous grades after every exam, etc. was curved. At one point, she actually said something during class just to see if anyone was paying attention (a handful of us were, most were talking about their partying from last night). As a result, I ended up with 10 extra points on the final of my exam just for bringing in a picture of a guinea pig wearing a hat (true story).
what is this...the "brown nose society"?I got 100 on the midterm, so I have a little wiggle room on the final.I ended up with 10 extra points on the final of my exam just for bringing in a picture of a guinea pig wearing a hat (true story).
heck when i took gen eds over the summer at the local community college, the tests were fill in the blank from a word bank at the top and if you could define the rest of the words not used it was a point xtra credit for each. I was scoring 110 on those things...geeze and this was supposed to be COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!1what is this...the "brown nose society"?I got 100 on the midterm, so I have a little wiggle room on the final.I ended up with 10 extra points on the final of my exam just for bringing in a picture of a guinea pig wearing a hat (true story).
what is this...the "brown nose society"?I got 100 on the midterm, so I have a little wiggle room on the final.I ended up with 10 extra points on the final of my exam just for bringing in a picture of a guinea pig wearing a hat (true story).
The only way to get to the top is by kissing a lot of the bottom.what is this...the "brown nose society"?I got 100 on the midterm, so I have a little wiggle room on the final.I ended up with 10 extra points on the final of my exam just for bringing in a picture of a guinea pig wearing a hat (true story).