It's Friday!!!!

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^ LMAO!! They did have mexican for diner that night. I was trying so hard not to laugh when he told what happened. I wish i would have been home to see it. The chair is at most a couple months old which sucks, passed the store return policy. Not sure we have the manufacturer info to go through them.

That sucks, Snick! If I managed to do that, I'd be pissed, but only because this new office furniture cost me a small fortune!

I have already checked out mentally for the day. Had one big procedure that needed to go out, and it was sent out for final signatures this morning. Going to blow this joint around noon, grab a beer, then go home and play video games all day.

I got home to find my wife had monopoly set up and a bottle of whiskey waiting.

Got 40 pounds of pork butt finishing up in the smoker (it's been in there for 20 hours so far), and I just fixed my kegerator and dispensed a nice glass of vanilla porter.
