Master slacker
Something awesome.
Alright all you nasty farts, it's Friday somewhere. And wherever that Friday is, it doesn't matter because I'm not working tomorrow. In fact I'm going camping tomorrow. And the wife, on her own without any prodding by me, got a case of beer for the journey. The boys are coming so we'll need the whole case. We're just getting into the whole camping thing so we have a tent, a car, and hope... That's it. Well, we have more than that, but you get the drift. I haven't camped sine cub scouts and that was over 20 years ago. Sh*t imol,d. Anywho, got a magnesium flint thing and wasted half of it yesterday having giggles watching a ginormous white flame burn the driveway and fussing at MS1 to stay back from the fire or his face wold burn off. With that explanation wouldn't you stay back? He sure did. Fire is awesome. I used to like burning all kinds of stuff. Closet pyro, I know. But it's so pretty. Who cares. About work tomorrow and all. The plant is practically imploding. I'm off tomorrow. The sun will still rise tomorrow though, yay.
To all of you who aren't nasty farts, I hope you have a glorious day.
To all of you who aren't nasty farts, I hope you have a glorious day.