It's Friday!!!!

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I'll be doing the Friday dance as well...on Friday. :(

About the only good thing about our merger so far, is that we get to follow their holiday schedule, which gives us Friday off. Otherwise, I'd have been back in the office Friday, too.

It's technically Friday for me as well. 4 day weekend, here I come!

I do have to go perform an inspection on the "true" Friday morning, but that'll only take about an hour to complete; then I'll be free to go back home and work on projects around the house.

Hope everyone has a happy Independence Day. Enjoy the CAB's and the grill. If ya'll have fireworks, enjoy (we're under local gov't order to NOT use them due to local fire danger).

working friday also...but i might make it a delayed start if the fire works display is actually held this yr. last yr was canceled due to drought, the yr before the weather was operfect but it was the first yr using a computer program to control the lighting of fireworks and it failed the dress rehersal so they got canceled, yr before that it was rained out.

We haven't had a fireworks display for years now, mostly due to fire danger. We can climb up on the roof and watch the ones from Denver though.

Also doing the Friday dance! :woot:

Have a safe and fun 4th everyone! :unitedstates:

See y'all in the drunk tank later. ;)

Heading out in 5. Puppy isn't doing so well after the spaying. She's been vomiting pretty heavily, and is refusing to eat/drink. Will probably end up taking her back to the vet this afternoon for an IV/fluids if her demeanor doesn't change. Poor girl :(

I would say that I'm sorry for bumping this thread today, but after the week I've had, I'm not sorry at all. Have fun working tomorrow suckers!!!

:40oz: :bananadoggywow: :Banane20: :party-smiley-048: :bananalama: :dance:


Friday, and aside from two days of sitting in a conference next week, I'm done with "work" until the 22nd once I leave today!

All you donkey voids can pound salt. Working nights and I don't know if tonight is my Friday or tomorrow is my Friday. Grrrrrrrr....

Well, well, well.

Since I'm taking the next two days off, guess what today is.

That's right. Friday.

Ho Lee *** says Go Fook Yourself.

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