It's Friday!!!!

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FRIDAY! Fookin' Ah!

I could take Monday off, but it's considered a "floating" holiday... which means I can take any day off that I want. :D I may use it next Thursday to make a 4-day weekend. We'll see.

TGIF. This has been one of those weeks, where everybody needs everything now that I'm back from the ONE DAY of vacation I took last week.

We have the option to sell back vacation time, so at least you get a bonus check for not using it.

What? you choo choo guys have it way too good. If we exceed our allowable carryover we just lose it.

What? you choo choo guys have it way too good. If we exceed our allowable carryover we just lose it.
It's not an automatic thing. If we don't do anything, we lose it. But we can file some paperwork ahead of time to cash it out if we want.

Yummy green olives. They taste even better after floating at the bottom of a Bloody Mary.
Indeed. There's this Packer bar that we frequent on Sun. mornings before the noon games that have a great build-your-own bloody mary bar. it's exquisite.
