If you had to...

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Bike. I can't stand running any further than a lap around the bases in my softball league...

A sexless marriage with someone you love or well-laid with someone you constantly argue with?

No amount of sex is worth a lifetime of arguing.

If you were forced into slavery by an alien race, which labor camp would you rather be assigned to: The one where you collect and shovel alien feces into loading carts all day, or the one where you process the alien feces into food for the human slaves?

I guess I'll have to assume a question - as in, which one would I eat? Dog. I read the Journals of Lewis and Clark, and all the expedition members agreed that dog meat was the best food they had on the entire jouney - beating out bison, deer, elk, grizzly, and even salmon. Clark disagreed, though, because he loved his dog (trivia question - what was the dog's name?)

What would you rather have as a pet: a Black Mamba, or a Grizzly Bear?

A black mamba cuz I can keep it in a glass cage and casually forget to give it air or water or food and it will soon not be a threat. Can't do that with a grizzly bear.

You are in a deadly game of cat and mouse with a homicidal maniac. You must find shelter for the night. Would you prefer to shelter in a rugged and secure cottage in the woods with acres of uninhibited forest around you or an old Spanish fort on a deserted island? Keep in mind in both cases the killer can and will locate your hideout at some point in the near future, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a few days, but he will find you.

The cabin in the woods. I think I would have a better chance of fading into the woods to evade him, than I would on a small island. Plus, I might have enough time to fashion some defenses and ****y traps (and maybe even catch a few ****ies)

Same scenario: You are offered a choice of one weapon to carry with you for defense: a machete, or a golf club.

A machete... Clearly a superior weapon but also useful to cut vines in the woods I'm hiding in with which to fasten snares and traps against the aggressor.

Again same scenario, but with a very effective camouflage suit like a gilli suit or very effective armor, like body armor and Kevlar helmet.

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Arm. Can still get away from zombies more efficiently.

Burn to death or drown?

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oooo, depends on fuel availability, location to water and the general population density-... but assuming a fuel shortage, I would rather be on a boat in the middle of water (not on a boat on dry land)

work an iffy job you don't hate but don't really like but have a great home life

or work a job that you love but have a crappy home life because of it?

Iffy job. Home life is the most important.

Piss your pants at work or get caught in the other gender's bathroom?

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