If you had to...

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I think I would sleep on the couch.

Back on the zombie theme: You're adrift on a life boat with a zombie, with no food but plenty of water rations. Eventually you are forced to kill the zombie (but don't worry - it was not anyone you personally knew). Given that it's the zombie apocalypse, a rescue is unlikely. It is very likely that you will drift to land within a few weeks, though. The question: Do you eat the zombie's flesh to stay alive, or do you let yourself starve to death ? (and no - you have no idea if eating a zombie will also turn you into one)

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I'd eat the zombie and take my chances.

Zombie theme still, if you were running from a herd of zombies and saw a beautiful woman (or incredibly handsome man for the ladies), stuck in a perilous predicament, and had a 50% chance of both of you getting eaten if you saved him or her, but 100% chance of you surviving and the stuck person getting eaten if you just kept running would you take a chance and help or just keep running?

I would take the chance, because once all the other zombies are taken care of... the human race will need to procreate

The boss is gone for the day, however the following day there is a HUGE departmental status report due and while you have completed your contribution, others have not. You have the capability of helping them or the choice to work on something fun. Which do you choose?

Something fun, life's too damn short, and the zombies will be here before you know it.

Back to zombie theme, if you were running from a herd of zombies and saw a Fugly woman (or incredibly hideous man for the ladies), stuck in a perilous predicament, and had a 50% chance of both of you getting eaten if you saved him or her, but 100% chance of you surviving and the stuck person getting eaten if you just kept running would you take a chance and help or just keep running?

Bon apetit, zombies.

Sit on an absolutely disgusting toilet seat to take an HSD, or put the seat up and sit on the clean porcelain bowl rim. Hovering and TP on the seat are not an option.

Knife to the face. Chicks dig scars.

Talk to someone with the worst breath in the world, or with the worst BO in the world?

BO. I've smelled some heinous (rhymes with...) breath.

Back to zombies: While running from zombie horde, you are finally cornered. You've got one .12 gauge shell left in your pump-action Remington. Do you shoot one last zombie, and then be eaten alive (but not without a fight), or shoot yourself?

Fight to the death!

While conducting a recon of a fortified survivor base, you discover a weak point in the defenses that will eventually get breached and result in total mayhem in the base when the zombies find the hole. Do you sneak in on your own and take their supplies in the night and slip quietly away leaving them to perish once the day of doom descends or do you go to the front gate and explain that you have valuable information for them, and if they let you join the group you will tell them and all be safer?

Assuming from your description that I am wandering on my own, with no fortified base, I would try to have them let me join and fix their problem.

As the zombie apocalypse is winding down, you are the last survivor of your group, and all the zombies are dying (again). Safely able to walk the streets again, you head out to forage for food and look for other survivors. You are disheartened not to find any. However, you find a once-hot female zombie, half-naked, who attempts to communicate with you. Keeping your distance, you try to talk and figure that she is interested in you, believes she is recovering, and wants to procreate.

Do you take this one chance to continue to human race, or do you blow her head off with your shotgun, like you have done 3,000 times before over the past 28 days?

(and if you accept the offer, what position do you use?)

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Ummm, no, I don't do corpses... And I mean who wants zombie kids running around the house? Laundry would be even grosser than it already is. And how does on keep food on the table for a zombie family, especially if all the humans have been eaten.

Okay, the z-poc is over. All z's are dead, only 2% of the pre zombie human population remains. Do set up your new government in a once thriving city or make a rural community?

Make a rural community. Agriculture is going to be king for quite a while and all the concrete from the old city is just going to make plowing just that much harder.

Same theme, do you try to get the old machines to function or just start working with draft horses?

I'd be working on the machines.

Roses or daisies? I realize that most men don't care, but I do.


Try to sleep upright in a chair, or semi-horizontal on a lumpy pile of potatoes (in sacks)? (true ship-board dilemma)

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Chair, I just can't do lumpy sleeping.

Tonight's question comes from a conversation with my son as he crawled into bed after an absolutely wonderfully fun camping trip for two days. Warm bed in a cozy house or cold tent with a bunch of Cub Scout friends? He chose cold tent but only once in a while :)

^considering how long it's been since I've been camping, I'd choose the tent, too. But then it's back to the warm bed.

Eat a moist twinkie that's mysteriously missing its filling, or eat a handful of wet peanut M&M's that are mysteriously missing their candy and chocolate coating?

Have cake, trade it for lemon pie.

Jolt Cola or trucker pills?
