I won't lie to my kids about Santa

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You had better believe it. I'm going to lie like a rug. He better believe or no tv no prom no college tuition and no wedding.

I don't disagree. I think if the kid is ready to know, then why not explain it.

Was the Easter bunny around when we were kids? I don't ever remember anybody ever talking about the Easter bunny and I know my parents didn't give me or my sister any gifts for Easter. I also had to tell my parents about the tooth fairy. It may have been because they weren't raised here in the States though.

this year minisnick said the mall Santa wasn't the real Santa. We told him no the mall santas aren't the real Santas, they are helpers because Santa can't be at every mall all day and he was happy.

Growing up in the Caribbean there were definitely no Easter egg hunts or tooth fairy but my parents were always good about keeping the idea of Santa Claus alive. If your kid is old enough that they can legitimately understand Santa isn't real, then I agree there's no reason to lie to keep the tradition going. However, if your kid is 4 and says Santa isn't real because some kid in school said so, it's worth the lie to keep it up.

I believed in Santa until 6th grade, the Easter Bunny until maybe 3rd grade, tooth fairy for most of my baby teeth.

I only keep Santa around because my husband is into it. My kid has let on he knows, but won't come out with it. It's a standoff. We do tooth fairy, but not the Easter Bunny.

OK, so humor me here. Why would a parent start off their relationship with their child by knowingly lying to them, repeatedly and emphatically about something the parent knows not to be true? That sound like a great way to get your kids to mistrust you. I have never pretended that Santa is real with any of my 3 boys and they have not missed out on any of the magic of Christmas. They know the true story of St. Nicholas. He was a good guy that helped kids along time ago. We still watch all the good Santa movies: The Grinch, The Santa Claus, The Polar express, but they know its just a story. People say "Oh, it just in good fun". I disagree entirely. For one you are lying to your child, which I believe puts a seed of doubt in their minds about what else you may lie to them about and you are taking away from the true meaning of Christmas: Christ birth. Now we don't over emphasize the Christmas story, but we do talk about it and my boys can recite most of Luke 2 and do several times for family during Christmas get togethers. They absolutely love Christmas and mostly because of the presents. So other than not believing in a outright lie, they have the same Christmas experience all the other deceived kids do.

So put yourself in your child's shoes. "I wonder what else they are lying about?" Its worth considering.

Oh, and one of my earliest childhood memories I have is someone in Walmart asking what Santa was bringing me. I looked right at him and told what my mom told me. She told me St. Nick was a good guy that helped kids along time ago. But what I heard was "Santas dead." So that's what I told the poor guy.

So you won't lie to your kids about Santa Claus but you have no problems lying to them about Jesus Christ?

In today's day and time, kids can readily spy with out your knowledge so I don't see the point in lying. A friend of mine argued with her son last year telling him that Santa was real until he pulled out his iPad and basically told her not to pretend any more he had video then asked what else she had pretended about. In a sense it was somewhat of a relief this year because he didn't ask for anything astronomical because he knows his Mom is the one paying for it and that it doesn't magically appear.

I find it hard to believe that generations of kids have grown up scarred and distrusting of their parents because of the lie perpetrated by Santa Claus. If your kids don't trust you I believe there are deeper issues at hand, certainly not because you lied about SC.

This isn't meant as an affront to anyone in particular so please don't take it that way.

I would hope that if any parents kids asked them what else they have been lying about in reference to Santa; that the parents then went to their room and confiscated everything they've ever bought their little brats

I would hope that if any parents kids asked them what else they have been lying about in reference to Santa; that the parents then went to their room and confiscated everything they've ever bought their little brats

That is certainly the most appropriate reaction...ungrateful little sh*ts.

I would hope that if any parents kids asked them what else they have been lying about in reference to Santa; that the parents then went to their room and confiscated everything they've ever bought their little brats

If you say it around my in-laws they take everything back. You believe in Santa dammit.

They don't even put gifts out until Christmas morning because Santa brings them all. Father-in law loves it, it makes him happy, so we roll with it.

I know this isn't the movie thread but watch "Rise of the Guardians". I think it is a great movie that explains the spirit of the legendary figures.The Santa in that story is the guy I want to believe in.

My father dresses up as Santa and delivers the gifts or at least makes an appearance . Someday, I hope to be a Grandpa and do the same. My kids ages are 6, 5, &11 months. When they start to question whether Santa is real, it will transition to the Spirit of Santa and they will be asked to keep the secret for the sake of the younger kids just like I was asked to do when I figured it out.

My kids are all teenagers now, non-believers in Santa. Christmas sure was better with Santa.
