I got drunk dialed last night ...

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Looks like YOU might be too far removed, too, JR!

You could very well be right Mary ... I am just a nice guy that typically doesn't read too much into anything. Unless, of course, it is brought to my attention. :)

I guess I probably ended up seriously disappointing that lady (in more than one context) as I have not responded to her email. :eek:hmy:


You could very well be right Mary ... I am just a nice guy that typically doesn't read too much into anything. Unless, of course, it is brought to my attention. :)

I guess I probably ended up seriously disappointing that lady (in more than one context) as I have not responded to her email. :eek:hmy:


I've got to ask you, where do all your girlfriends come from?

Because I don't think I even see as many women in a week as you date.

JR- I've got to ask you, where do all your girlfriends come from?

Because I don't think I even see as many women in a week as you date.
no kidding - and these women are way more aggressive than I've ever seen.

Your friend lied, there is no convention center inside the Magic Kingdom.... it's not far though ;)

I'd like to be sent to a convention at Disney World or any other destination worth extending your trip for.

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May I speak for the rest of the males on this board and say go over there and calm that kitten down man.
I have to ask for her phone number first .... working on that piece NOW! :D

JR- I've got to ask you, where do all your girlfriends come from?

Because I don't think I even see as many women in a week as you date.

That's my secret! :p

FWIW - I have a coffee date Sunday with an attorney. :)

no kidding - and these women are way more aggressive than I've ever seen.
You know something funny about it ODB - you are right! They ARE aggressive and seemingly like to push the boundaries.

It is even MORE funny that often times I feel like George Castanza from the Seinfeld Episode, "The Even Steven," where George decides to do everything OPPOSITE of what he would normally do and gets rewarded. He even ends up with a girlfriend. I haven't been doing everything 'opposite' but I have certainly been quite forward at times. It seems to work for a successful dating life ... :D

Your friend lied, there is no convention center inside the Magic Kingdom.... it's not far though ;)
Ah hah!! I am going to call her out on this fact! :)

I'd like to be sent to a convention at Disney World or any other destination worth extending your trip for.
Indeed. Ms. Magic Kingdom was suggesting that I would like it done there ... not sure what she was getting at. :dunno:


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That's my secret!
Oh man, I thought we were supposed to share our strategies here on EB.com.

Not that it would do me any good to know the secret, or that my wife would appeciate me entering the dating scene.

Oh man, I thought we were supposed to share our strategies here on EB.com.
Someone at work has suggested that I start penning chapters between my marriage, divorce, and dating. I might put a strategy guide together that way ...

Not that it would do me any good to know the secret, or that my wife would appeciate me entering the dating scene.
Hahaha .. I am sure Mrs. Benbo would understand you were obtaining the information for the purposes of helping other engineers ... not for self-study! :D


I just got off the phone with Ms. Magic Kingdom. She's even MORE blitzed tonight! :wacko:

I am wondering if she is going to remember what she said to me .... she is going to be pretty :blush: once she sobers up! :eek:hmy:



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I was always an advocate of:

"I see" said the blind man as he pee'd into the fan, "it's all coming back to me now."

So jr, is there a reason you have yet to tell us her drunken words of wisdom? Inquiring minds want to know.
For the record, Ms. Magic Kingdom is DIFFERENT from Ms. Disquieted Kitty.

Apparently though, there seems to be a common thread .... something about their kitty needing attention. :dunno:

Ms. Magic Kingdom ... she was mostly giggling through her drunken dialogue to me, so reproducing the conversation is a tad difficult. She did offer to buy me a drink when she gets back to town. :D

And I'll bet the kitty was all worked up.
That's what I have been told. I am a tad concerned that they may need to take their kitty to the vet to have it checked out for feline distemper! :eek:hmy:

"Quoted For The Win"


Mary, I'm shocked at your innuendo! I thought you liked to leave that to us cavemen-types.
