I called in sick to work today ...

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But I am really not. Sssshhhhhh ... it's a secret!!


I am working on graduate project, class project, class homework, and preparing for mid-term exam.

Zoiks !!


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I should have called in sick today (2 hours of sleep after the RU game last night)... however, my mother in law is taking her qualifying exam for her doctorate which means that my father in law is watching my son at my house all day (wouldn't get any rest)... my mom just retired (no sneaking over to her house to catch a few winks), so I came to work and the damn phone won't stop ringing...

No nap for me today!


^^^ That was taken from last weekend's recon mission :ph34r: ;)

I started taking a digital camera out with me since everybody razzed me about not posting pics! I really haven't had anything *WORTHY* of updating the previous thread but have had some fun with my recon activities B)


My policy is that if I'm unconscious, that's sick leave. Covers hangovers, forgot to set the alarm, etc. It's a handy policy :D

I really need to try to abuse my sick leave more, I've got months work stacked up and barring some terrible disease or serious injury, it's just going to go to waste...
