15 years out of school. Sat for FE-Electrical and PE-Power in October 2011, passed both.
You beat me.33 years. Graduated in Mexico in 1978, I took the FE test in April 2011 and the PE test in October 2011, Thanks God passed both of them the first time.
I am exactly in the same shoe, passed FE in Oct 2010, now PE Oct 2011, but sill waiting on my 2 state exams surveying and Seismic. If the result will be the same as for national exam......will be the best Christmas gift ever got....Finished university in 1996. Took FE Oct 2010 and PE Oct 2011. Passed both first time after hundreds of hours study shoooo! Heart nearly stopped twice-once when I logged onto ncees to get results for FE in '10 and and now PE '11
Congratulations!Compared to some of these posts, my eighteen years doesn't seem too long. I passed the FE in April 2010 and I passed the PE this morning!